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Descriptive statistics in case of categorical data (scales)

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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive statistics in case of categorical data (scales)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Descriptive statistics in case of categorical data (scales)

2 Descriptive statistics
Nominal level: Frequency, relative frequency, distribution (Tables, charts), Mode Mode: Most frequent categeory

3 Descriptive statistics
Ordinal Level Frequency, relative frequency, distribution (Tables, charts), Mode, Median Median: The midpoint of the alternatives after they have been ordered from the smallest to the largest.

4 Descriptive statistics in case of quantitative data (scales)
Part I

5 Symbols Individual values of a scale variable S: sum of the values
x1,x2,…,xN S: sum of the values

6 Example In a group of friends the order of ages (year): 20, 20, 20, 25, 25, 32, 33, 33, 33, 33

7 Descriptive statistics
Scale level: Frequency, relative frequency, distribution (Tables, charts) Measures of central tendencies: Mode, Median, Mean Deviation and dispersion Measures of the distribution shape (skewness, kurtosis)

8 Measures of central tendency

9 Arithmetic Harmonic Geometric Quadratic Mode Median (Quantiles) Mean
Measures of location Arithmetic Harmonic Geometric Quadratic Mode Median (Quantiles)

10 Measures of location The mode is the value of the observation that appears most frequently Example In a group of friends the order of ages (year): 20, 20, 20, 25, 25, 32, 33, 33, 33, 33 Mo=33 year Problems

11 Measures of location The median is the midpoint of the values after they have been ordered from the smallest to the largest. If N (number of cases) is odd: the middle element in the ranked data If N (number of cases) is even: the mean of the two middle elements in the ranked data Example In a group of friends the order of ages (year): 20, 20, 20, 25, 25, 32, 33, 33, 33, 33 Me=28,5 year

12 Mean The mean is obtained by dividing the sum of all values by the number of values in the data set. Calculation by individual cases:

13 Example In a group of friends the order of ages (year): 20, 20, 20, 25, 25, 32, 33, 33, 33, 33

14 Properites of the Mean What happens if we add the same number to all of our values or multiply all of them by the same number? Measures of central tendency Increasing all values by the same A number Multiplying all values by the same A(≠0) number Mean Mean increases by A Mean is multiplied by A Mode Mode increases by A Mode is multiplied by A Median Median increases by A Median is multiplied by A

15 Grouped data by a Categorical variable

16 Calculate a value of a group
Frequency (fj), relative Frequency (gj) Sum of values (Sj), relative sume of values (Zj) Group means

17 Sum of values Relative sum of values Areas Sum of Water cons., m3 A 2349 B 5394 C 14109 D 7845 Total 29697 Areas Water cons., % A 7,91 B 18,16 C 47,51 D 26,42 Total 100,00

18 Sum of Annual water cons., m3 Mean of annual water cons. , m3
Example Groups Sj fj Means Areas Sum of Annual water cons., m3 Number of households Mean of annual water cons. , m3 A 2349 21 111,86 B 5394 46 117,26 C 14109 176 80,16 D 7845 75 104,60 Total 29697 318

19 The weighted mean The weighted mean is found by the formula
where is obtained by multiplying each data value by its weight and then adding the products.

20 Relationship betwwen the group menas and the grand mean
Calculation of group means: Calculation of grand mean

21 Sum of Annual water cons., m3 Mean of annual water cons. , m3
Groups Sj fj Means Example Areas Sum of Annual water cons., m3 Number of households Mean of annual water cons. , m3 A 2349 21 111,86 B 5394 46 117,26 C 14109 176 80,16 D 7845 75 104,60 Total 29697 318

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