“Building Up and Tearing Down”

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Presentation on theme: "“Building Up and Tearing Down”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Building Up and Tearing Down”
Plate Tectonics “Building Up and Tearing Down”

2 Divergent Plate Boundaries
Divergent Plate Boundaries are where the plates are moving (Drifting) apart.

3 Mid-Ocean Ridge

4 Mid-Ocean Ridge

5 Iceland Rift Valley

6 Great Rift Valley

7 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Convergent Plate Boundaries are where the plates are colliding (coming together).

8 Subduction Zone

9 Crater Lake (Near Bend, OR)

10 Folded Mountains Himalayan Mountains

11 Island Arcs Aleutian Islands (AK)

12 Transform (Fault) Plate Boundaries
Transform (Fault) Plate Boundaries are where the plates are sliding past each other. (Like two trains going past each other, I know it’s a stretch).

13 San Andreas Fault

14 Earth’s Tectonic Plates

15 Plate Movement

16 Plate Movement

17 Plate Movement (ScienceSaurus 185)

18 Plate Movement Model Lab Big Idea (Inquiry 15.1)
Plate tectonics lead to formation of land and landforms as well as the destruction of crust. It is important to know which landforms are created at which types of plate boundaries. There are some interactive websites that are helpful with this topic.

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