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Godly Wisdom v. Worldly Wisdom

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Presentation on theme: "Godly Wisdom v. Worldly Wisdom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Godly Wisdom v. Worldly Wisdom
Growing toward spiritual maturity A study of the epistle of James, James 3:13—18.

2 Spiritual Life Principle:
Learning the difference between Godly & worldly wisdom is to discern good from godly and then act on it Spiritual Life Principle:

3 The Origin of Worldly Wisdom
It is Earthly. Stems from man’s attempt to gain apart from God. Romans 1:20—21. IT IS REASON. It is Natural, or Unspiritual. Psychiatry & psychology come from this! It is Demonic, Counterfeit religions are full of demonic wisdom. Satan ~ the god of this world, 2 Cor. 4:4

4 The Operation of Worldly Wisdom
Jealous Anger or Envy: Gal. 5:20; 1 Cor. 3:3; Pr. 3:31; 27:17; Mk. 7:22; Rom. 1:29. Selfish Ambition: a “party spirit.” Campaigning Proud Arrogance: Promotion of self Deceitful Actions: fabrications designed to make us look good.

5 The Outcome of Worldly Wisdom
Confusion: found in 1:18, 3:8. “unruly, unstable.” sometimes to describe anarchy. God is not a God of Confusion, 1 Cor. 14:33. Every Evil Work: That which is “worthless” or “good for nothing.” Countered also by Paul, 2 Cor. 12:20 & John, Rev. 3:16—17.

6 The Origin of Godly Wisdom
It is coming down from above. It is there for the believer’s taking if he is unwavering in his faith, James 1:5. “The wise one is the one who has given himself to Jesus Christ and keeps himself in submission to the will of God.” Dr. Jeremiah.

7 The Operation of Godly Wisdom
It is Pure: No hidden agenda. It is Peaceable: Does not lead to strife. It is Gentle: “Velvet Steel.” Able to communicate hard truth with a soft tongue.

8 The Operation of Godly Wisdom
It is Willing to Yield: Knows how to compromise It is Full of Mercy: Is not full of wrath. It is Fruitful in Good works: Faithfulness results in fruitfulness. It is Unwavering: it holds confident faith in God’s counsel.

9 The Outcome of Godly Wisdom
A Harvest of Righteousness Proverbs 3:13, “Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding.”

10 Spiritual Life Principle Application:
Proverbs 2:2, 6, “Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. For the LORD grants wisdom!” Apply yourself to learn wisdom and get understanding. Learn how to discern between good & Godly, then ACT on it.

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