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Jehan-François Pâris Fall 2016 1 1


3 Introduction Lists are ordered sequences of elements
Separated by commas Enclosed in square brackets ("[…]") Examples [ 1, 2, 3,4 ,5] ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carol', Dean'] ['Alice', 'freshman', [100, 90, 70]]

4 Usages Group together related objects Lists of people, courses, exams
Vectors and matrices of algebra and physics Store records Contact list entry ['Bill', ' ','] Anything else

5 Lists and strings Lists Ordered sequences Similar primitives
Elements can be any Python objects Including lists Mutable Strings Ordered sequences Similar primitives Can only contain characters Non mutable

6 Operations Finding the length of a list Access the elements of a list
Deciding on list membership Concatenating lists Defining slices Modify individual elements Lists are mutable

7 Accessing Elements (I)
>>> names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'end'] >>> names ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'end'] >>> print(names) >>> names[0] 'Ann' We can access individual elements

8 Accessing Elements (II)
>>> names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'end'] >>> names[1] 'Bob' >>> names[-1] 'end' List indexing uses the same conventions as string indexing

9 Finding the length of a list
names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'end'] >>> len(names) 4 >>>alist = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', [1,2,3]] >>> len(alist) 4 New list has still four elements, the last one is list [1, 2, 3]

10 List membership names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'end']
>>> 'Ann' in names True >>> 'Lucy' in names False >>> 'Alice' not in names True Same operators as for strings

11 a designates the whole list
An example a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] 10 20 50 30 40 a designates the whole list a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4]

12 List concatenation (I)
>>> names = ['Alice'] + ['Bob'] >>> names ['Alice', 'Bob'] >>> names =['Carol'] >>> names = names + 'Dean' … TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list

13 List concatenation (II)
>>> mylist = ['Ann'] >>> mylist*3 ['Ann', 'Ann', 'Ann'] >>> newlist = [0]*8 >>> newlist [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] >>> [[0]*2]*3 [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]

14 List slices >>> names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'end']
Two observations A list slice is always a list names[0:1] starts with names[0] but stops before names[1]

15 More list slices >>> names[0:2] ['Ann', 'Bob']
Includes names[0] and names[1] >>> names[0:] ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'end'] The whole list >>> names[1:] ['Bob', 'Carol', 'end']

16 TRAP WARNING More list slices >>> names[-1:] ['end']
A list slice is a list >>> names[-1] 'end' Not the same thing! TRAP WARNING

17 Let us check names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'end']
>>> names[-1] 'done' >>> names[-1:] ['done'] >>> names[-1] == names[-1:] False What's true for strings is not always true for lists

18 Mutable and immutable quantities
Python lists are mutable They can be modified in place names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'end'] >>> names[-1] = 'Astrid' >>> names ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'Astrid'] Can cause surprises!

19 Mutable and immutable quantities
By default, Python quantities are immutable Each time you modify them, you create a new value Expensive solution Works as we expect it

20 How Python implements variables
A Python variable contains the address of its current value a = 5 a 5

21 How Python implements variables
A Python variable contains the address of its current value a = 5 b = a a 5 b

22 How Python implements variables
A Python variable contains the address of its current value a = 5 b = a a = a +1 a b 6 5

23 How Python implements variables
This work as we expected We saved the old value of a into be before modifying it People write a = # initial value b = a # save initial value a = a +1 # increment

24 A big surprise The old value of a was not saved!
>>> a = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol'] >>> b = a >>> b ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol'] >>> a[0] = 'Lucy' >>> a ['Lucy', 'Bob', 'Carol'] >>> b ['Lucy', 'Bob', 'Carol'] The old value of a was not saved!

25 What happened (I) a b ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol']
>>> a = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol'] >>> b = a >>> b ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol'] a ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol'] b

26 What happened (II) a b ['Lucy', 'Bob', 'Carol']
>>> a[0] = 'Lucy' >>> a ['Lucy', 'Bob', 'Carol'] >>> b ['Lucy', 'Bob', 'Carol'] a b ['Lucy', 'Bob', 'Carol']

27 Why this mess? Making lists immutable would have made Python much slower Lists can be very large Conflict between ease of use and efficiency This time efficiency won! Because efficiency penalty would have been very big

28 How to copy a list Copy a slice containing the whole list
>>> a = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol'] >>> b = a[:] >>> b ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol'] >>> a[0] = 'Lucy' >>> a ['Lucy', 'Bob', 'Carol']

29 Deletions Can delete individual elements or entire slices by specifying their location names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'David'] >>> del names[2] >>> names['Ann', 'Bob', 'David'] >>> del names[0:2] >>>names ['David']

30 Object and references (I)
>>> a = ['Ann'] >>> b = ['Ann'] >>> a == b True >>> a is b False a and b point to different objects

31 No sharing a b ['Ann'] ['Ann']

32 Object and references (II)
>>> a = ['Ann'] >>> b = a >>> a == b True >>> a is b True a and b now point to the same object

33 Same object is shared a b ['Ann']

34 Aliasing and cloning (I)
When we do >>> a = ['Ann'] >>> b = a we do not make a copy of a, we just assign an additional variable name to the object pointed by a b is just an alias for a

35 Aliasing and cloning (II)
To make a true copy of a, we must do >>> a = ['Ann'] >>> b = a[:] we make a true copy of a b is a clone of a

36 A weird behavior >>> pets = ['cats', 'dogs']
>>> oddlist =[pets]*2 >>> oddlist [['cats', 'dogs'], ['cats', 'dogs']] >>> pets[0] = 'snake' >>> pets ['snake', 'dogs'] >>> oddlist [['snake', 'dogs'], ['snake', 'dogs']]

37 What did happen? (I) pets 'cats' 'dogs'

38 What did happen? (II) Nothing is copied! oddlist pets 'cats' 'dogs'

39 What did happen? (III) oddlist pets 'snakes' 'dogs'

40 My take Example of an odd behavior Must be aware of it
Might encounter it In a complex not too well written program In an exam question (Not in COSC 1306) Should stay away for it If possible

41 Editing list >>> mylist = [11, 12, 13, 'done']
>>> mylist[-1] = 'finished' >>> mylist [11, 12, 13, 'finished'] >>> mylist[0:4] = ['XI', 'XII', 'XIII'] >>> mylist ['XI', 'XII', 'XIII', 'finished'] We can change the values of the existing list entries but cannot add or delete any of them

42 List methods Four groups of methods
Adding an item to a list and telling where to put it Extracting an item from a list Modifying the order of a list Locating and removing individual items

43 Adding an element to a list
Two methods append() insert() Both methods return no value

44 Append(I) >>> mylist = [11, 12, 13, 'finished']
>>> mylist.append('Not yet!') >>> mylist [11, 12, 13, 'finished', 'Not yet!']

45 Appending means adding at the end.
Append (II) >>> listoflists = [[14.5,'1306'], [17.5,'6360']] >>> listoflists.append([16.5, 'TAs']) >>> listoflists [[14.5,'1306'],[17.5,'6360'],[16.5, 'TAs']] Appending means adding at the end.

46 Insert (I) >>> mylist = [11, 12, 13,'finished']
>>> mylist.insert(0, 10) #BEFORE mylist[0] >>> mylist [10, 11, 12, 13, 'finished'] >>> mylist.insert(4, 14) #BEFORE mylist[4] [10, 11, 12, 13, 14,'finished']

47 Insert(II) mylist.insert(index, item)
index specifies entry before which the new item should be inserted mylist.insert(0, item) inserts the new item before the first list entry mylist.insert(1, item) inserts the new item before the second element and after the first one

48 a designates the whole list
Example (I) a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] 10 20 50 30 40 a designates the whole list a[4] a[1] a[2] a[0] a[3]

49 Example (II) a Where to insert 25 and keep the list sorted? a[4] a[1]
10 20 50 30 40 a a[4] a[1] a[2] a[0] a[3]

50 Example (III) a Where to insert 25 and keep the list sorted? a[4] a[1]
10 20 50 30 40 a a[4] a[1] a[2] a[0] a[3] 25

51 Example (IV) We do a.insert(2, 25) after a[1] and before a[2]

52 Let us check >>> a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
>>> a.insert(2,25) >>> a [10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50]

53 Example (V) Where to insert 55 and keep the list sorted? a a[4] a[1]
10 20 50 30 40 a a[4] a[1] a[2] a[0] a[3]

54 Example (VI) Where to insert 55 and keep the list sorted? a a[4] a[1]
10 20 50 30 40 a a[4] a[1] a[2] a[0] a[3] 55

55 Example (VII) We must insert After a[4] Before no other element
We act as if a[5] existed a.insert(5, 55) It works! Same as a.append(55)

56 Let us check >>> a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
>>> a.insert(5, 55) >>> a [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55]

57 Let us make it a bit easier
len(list) returns the length of a list Same as number of its elements Equal to index of last element plus one We could have written a.insert(len(a), 55) Same as a.append(55)

58 Extracting items One by one thislist.pop(i)
removes thislist[i] from thislist returns the removed entry thislist.pop( ) removes the last entry from thislist

59 Examples (I) >>> mylist = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66]
>>> mylist.pop(0) 11 >>> mylist [22, 33, 44, 55, 66]

60 Examples (II) >>> mylist.pop() 66 >>> mylist
[22, 33, 44, 55] >>> mylist.pop(2) 44 [22, 33, 55]

61 Examples (III) >>> waitlist = ['Ann', 'Cristi', 'Dean']
>>> waitlist.pop(0) 'Ann' >>> waitlist ['Cristi', 'Dean'] >>> waitlist.append('David') ['Cristi', 'Dean', 'David']

62 Reordering a list Two methods mylist.sort() sorts the list
returns no value mylist.reverse() reverse the order of the list entries

63 Sorting lists >>> mylist = [11, 12, 13, 14, 'done']
>>> mylist.sort() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module> mylist.sort() TypeError: unorderable types: str() < int() Cannot compare apples and oranges

64 Sorting lists of strings
>>> names = ['Alice', 'Carol', 'Bob'] >>> names.sort() >>> print(names) ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carol'] names.sort() is a method applied to the list names In-place sort

65 Sorting lists of numbers
>>> newlist = [0, -1, +1, -2, +2] >>> newlist.sort() >>> print(newlist) [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] In-place sort

66 Sorting lists with sublists
>>> schedule = [[14.5, '1306'], [17.5, '6360'], [16.5, 'TA']] >>> schedule.sort() >>> schedule [[14.5, '1306'], [16.5, 'TA'], [17.5, '6360']] >>>

67 Reversing the order of a list
>>> names = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carol'] >>> names.reverse() >>> names ['Carol', 'Bob', 'Alice'] namelist.reverse() is a method applied to the list namelist

68 Sorting into a new list >>> newlist = [0, -1, +1, -2, +2]
>>> sortedlist= sorted(newlist) >>> print(newlist) [0, -1, 1, -2, 2] >>> print(sortedlist) [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] sorted(…) is a conventional Python function that returns a new list

69 Searching and retrieving
mylist.index(item) Returns the position of first occurrence of item in the list mylist.count(item) Returns the number of occurrences of item in the list mylist.remove(item) Removes the first occurrence of item from the list

70 Examples >>> names ['Ann', 'Carol', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Ann']
>>> names.index('Carol') 1 >>> names.count('Ann') 2 >>> names.remove('Ann') ['Carol', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Ann']

71 Sum: a very useful function
>>> list = [10, 20 ,20] >>> sum(list) 50 >>> list = ['Alice', ' and ', 'Bob'] >>> sum(list) Does not work!

72 Easy averages >>> prices = [1.899, 1.959, 2.029, 2.079]
>>> sum(prices) >>> len(prices) 4 >>> sum(prices)/len(prices) # GETS AVERAGE

73 Appending vs. Concatenating
We append a new entry to a list >>> names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Alice'] >>> names.append('Carol') >>> names ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Carol'] We have updated the list

74 Appending vs. Concatenating
We concatenate two lists >>> names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Alice'] >>> names + ['Carol'] ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Carol'] >>> names ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Alice'] # UNCHANGED >>> names = names +['Carol'] ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Carol'] # OK

75 Lists and for loops By item for item in alist :
Processes successively each item in the list Most natural

76 Lists and for loops By position for index in range(len(alist)) :
Goes through the indices of all the list entries Gives us access to their positions

77 Examples >>> names ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Carol']
>>> for item in names : print(item) Ann Bob Alice Carol

78 Usage >>> scores = [50, 80, 0, 90]
>>> def countzeroes(alist) : count = 0 for item in alist : if item == 0 : count += 1 return count >>> countzeroes(scores) 1

79 Examples >>> names ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Carol'] >>> for i in range(len(names)): print(names[i]) Ann Bob Alice Carol

80 Another countzeroes() function
>>> scores = [50, 80, 0, 90] >>> def countzeroes(alist) : count = 0 for index in range(len(scores)) : if scores[index] == 0 : count += 1 return count >>> countzeroes(scores) 1

81 Using lists as arguments
Can modify a list from inside a function def capitalizeList(l) : for i in range(len(l)) : l[i] = l[i].capitalize() names = ['Ann', 'bob', 'lIZ'] capitalizeList(names) print(names) ['Ann', Bob', 'Liz']

82 Notes Only works for lists that were passed to the function as an argument Must traverse the list by position for entry in l: … does not work Function returns no value Operates through a side effect

83 Functions returning a list
def capitalizeList(l) : newlist = [] for item in l : newlist.append(item.capitalize()) return newlist names= ['ann', 'Bob', 'lIZ'] print(capitalizeList(names)) ['Ann', Bob', 'Liz']

84 Pure functions Return a value Have no side effects
Like mathematical functions Implement a black box Black box Inputs Output

85 Main advantage of pure functions
Easier to understand Preferred whenever possible

86 Another function returning a list
def minSec(miltime) : """ Converts hhmm into hors and minutes""" hours = miltime//100 minutes = miltime % 100 return([hours, minutes]) [hh, ss] = minSec(1538) print(hh) print(ss)

87 One more def primes_upto(n) :
""" Return a list of prime numbers < n.""" result = [] # START WITH EMPTY LIST for i in (2, n) : # SKIP ONE if is_prime(i) : result.append(i) # ADD TO LIST return result

88 Guess the output myname = "Edgar Allan Poe" namelist = myname.split() init = "" for aname in namelist: init = init + aname[0] print(init)

89 The answer myname = "Edgar Allan Poe" namelist = myname.split() init = "" for aname in namelist: init = init + aname[0] print(init) "EAP"

90 Initializing lists Use list comprehensions
>>> [ 0 for n in range(0, 9)] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] >>> [n for n in range (1,11)] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> [2*n+1 for n in range(0, 6)] [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]

91 Warning! The for n clause is essential [0 in range(0, 10)] [True]
Because 0 is in range(0, 10)

92 More comprehensions >>> [ c for c in 'Cougars'] [ 'C', 'o', 'u', 'g', 'a', 'r', 's'] >>> names = ['Ann', 'bob', 'liz'] >>> new = [n.capitalize() for n in names] >>> new ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Liz'] >>> names ['Alice', 'bob', 'liz']

93 More comprehensions >>> first5 = [n for n in range(1,6)] >>> first5 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> first5squares = [n*n for n in first5] [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

94 An equivalence [n*n for n in range(1, 6)] [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] is same as a = [ ] for n in range(1,6) : a.append(n*n)

95 Filtered comprehensions
Filtered through a condition def primes_upto(n) : """ Return a list of prime numbers < n.""" result = [x for x in range(2,n) if isprime(x)] return result

96 Filtered comprehensions
>>> a = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55] >>> b = [ n for n in a if n%2 == 0] >>> b [22, 44] >>> c = [n//11 for n in a if n > 20] >>> c [2, 3, 4, 5] A very powerful tool !

97 More filtered comprehensions
>>> s = [['Ann', 'CS'],['Bob', 'CE'],['Liz', 'CS']] >>> [x[0] for x in s if x[1] =='CS'] ['Ann', 'Liz'] >>> sum([1 for _ in s if _[1] =='CS']) 2

98 Computingπ I have sometimes asked students to compute π by throwing simulated random darts at a target Imagine a target consisting of a circle inscribed in a square

99 Computing π If r denotes the radius of the circle
The area of the circle is πr2 The area of the square is 4 r2 The circle occupies π/4 of the area of the circle If we throw n random darts at the target An average of nπ/4 will and inside the circle

100 My solution import random def computePi(niterations) : incount = 0 for i in range(niterations) : x = random.uniform(-1, 1) y = random.uniform(-1, 1) if x*x + y*y <= 1 : incount += 1 return 4*incount/niterations

101 Making things more complicated
>>> from random import uniform >>>  >>> def gilligan(k): ...         return 4 * sum([1 for c in [uniform(0,1)**2+uniform(0,1)**2 for _ in range(k)] if c < 1]) / float(k) ...  >>> gilligan(100000) I did not write this code float(..) required by Python

102 Understanding the function (I)
My friend used two comprehensions [uniform(0,1)**2+uniform(0,1)**2 for _ in range(k)] creates a list containing k instances of uniform(0,1)**2+uniform(0,1)**2 the underscore ('_') denotes the last evaluated expression

103 Understanding the function (II)
[1 for c in […] if c < 1] creates a list containing a 1 for each value in c such that c < 1 each entry of the new list represents one dart that felt into the circle

104 Understanding the function (III)
The last step is summing the contents of the outer list sum([1 for c in […] if c < 1]) returns total number of darts each entry of the new list represents one dart that felt into the circle

105 Programming styles My friend's programming style favors conciseness over clarity I prefer clarity Code should be so dumb that anyone could understand it without any effort Our definitions of clarity shift over time What appears obscure to us today will appear trivial once we are familiar with the language

106 Nested lists or lists of lists
>>> nested = [['Ann', 90], ['Bob', 84]] >>> innerlist = nested[1] >>> innerlist ['Bob', 84] >>> innerlist[0] 'Bob' >>> nested[1][0]

107 Strings and lists (I) >>> s = 'No pain, no gain'
>>> lst1 = s.split() >>> lst1 ['No', 'pain,', 'no', 'gain'] >>> lst2 = s.split(',') >>> lst3 = s.split('ai') >>> lst3 ['No p', 'n no g', 'n']

108 Strings and lists (II) list function applies to strings
>>> list('Hello') ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']


110 Tuples Same as lists but Immutable Enclosed in parentheses
A tuple with a single element must have a comma inside the parentheses: a = ('Liz',)

111 Examples >>> mytuple = ('Ann', 'Bob', 33)
The comma is required!

112 Why? No confusion possible between ['Ann'] and 'Ann'
('Ann') is a perfectly acceptable expression ('Ann') without the comma is the string 'Ann' ('Ann', ) with the comma is a tuple containing the string 'Ann' Sole dirty trick played on us by tuples!

113 Tuples are immutable >>> mytuple = ('Ann', 'Bob', 'Liz')
>>> saved = mytuple >>> mytuple += ('Ed',) >>> mytuple ('Ann', 'Bob', 'Liz','Ed') >>> saved ('Ann', 'Bob', 'Liz')

114 Things that do not work mytuple += 'Phil' Traceback (most recent call last):Z … TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "string") to tuple Can understand that!

115 sorted( ) returns a list!
Sorting tuples >>> atuple = ('Liz', 'Bob', 'Ann') >>> atuple.sort() Traceback (most recent call last): … AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'sort' >>> atuple = sorted(atuple) >>> atuple ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Liz'] Tuples are immutable! sorted( ) returns a list!

116 Most other things work! >>> atuple = ('Ann', 'Bob', 'Liz')
>>> len(atuple) 3 >>> 44 in atuple False >>> [ i for [i for i in atuple] ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Liz']

117 The reverse does not work
>>> alist = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Liz'] >>> (i for i in alist) <generator object <genexpr> at 0x02855DA0> Does not work!

118 Converting sequences into tuples
>>> alist = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Liz'] >>> atuple = tuple(alist) >>> atuple ('Ann', 'Bob', 'Liz') >>> newtuple = tuple('Hello!') >>> newtuple ('H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '!')

119 The following slides will never be on any COSC 1306 quiz
Just for science fans The following slides will never be on any COSC 1306 quiz

120 Lists in geometry (I) yA xA Consider a point A in the Cartesian plane
It has two coordinates xA and yA yA A xA

121 Lists in geometry (II) We will represent each point in the Cartesian plane by a list a with two elements such that a[0] represents xA a[1] represents yA Can now speak of the origin as point [0, 0]

122 Distance between two points
The distance between two points A and B is the square root of (Ax – Bx)2 + (Ay – By)2 Pythagora's theorema

123 Why? xA yA A B yB xB

124 Function computing this distance
>>> def distance( a, b) : """ Cartesian distance between a and b ""“ import math return math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0])** (a[1] - b[1])**2)

125 Function computing this distance
>>> origin = [0, 0] >>> a = [1, 1] >>> distance(origin, a) >>>

126 Lists in physics (I) Speed, accelerations can be expressed by vectors
In Cartesian plane force F has two components Fx and Fy We will represent each force F by a list f with two elements such that f[0] represents Fx f[1] represents Fy

127 Lists in geometry (II) Fy F θ Fx

128 Absolute value of a force
>>> def vecmodule(f) """ Module of a two-dimensional vector ""“ import math return math.sqrt(f[0]**2 + f[1]**2) >>> vecmodule([0,2]) 2.0 >>> vecmodule([3,4]) 5.0

129 Adding two vectors (I) [0, 2] + [0, 3] [0, 2, 0, 3] Not what we want
+ operator concatenates lists

130 Adding two vectors (I) y Gy F F+G Fy G Gx Fx x

131 Adding two vectors (III)
>>> def vecadd(f, g) : """ adds two 2-D vectors ""“ return [f[0] + g[0], f[1] + g[1]] >>> vecadd([0, 2], [0, 3]) [0, 5] A function can return a list

132 Multiplying two vectors
Which product? Dot product returns a scalar Cross product returns a vector Applies to three-dimensional spaces

133 Dot product def dotproduct (f, g): “”” dot product of two two-dimensional vectors ""“ return f[0]*g[0] + f[1]*g[1] >>> dotproduct([1,0], [2, 2]) 2

134 List of lists (I) >>> a = [[1, 2], [3, 1]]

135 List of lists (II) Can be used to represent matrices ( ) a00 a01 a11


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