Basketball Officials Training and Development

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Presentation on theme: "Basketball Officials Training and Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basketball Officials Training and Development
Capital Area Officials Association 2 person Mechanics and Positioning

2 Mechanics 2 Person Mechanics Lead Official Trail Official

3 Mechanics Pre Game Positioning

4 Mechanics Jump Ball Positioning

5 Mechanics Initial Positioning

6 Mechanics Primary Coverage Areas (PCA) Line responsibilities
On Ball coverage / Off ball coverage MOVE! for the best angles Count responsibilities Trail works on an arc Lead moves along end line

7 Mechanics Line Responsibilities

8 Mechanics On Ball Coverage / Off Ball Coverage

9 Mechanics High Ball Coverage

10 3 pt FG Coverage

11 3 pt FG Coverage Each official is responsible for marking 3 pt FG attempts in their PCA When Lead marks in his/her primary, Trail DOES NOT mirror the mark When Trail marks in his/her primary, Lead DOES NOT mirror the mark Trail is the only official that signals a successful 3 pt FG attempt

12 Throw In Administration
Designated Spot

13 Throw In Administration
Designated Spot

14 Throw In Administration
Designate the spot Sound whistle IF attention must be drawn i.e. resume from a time out, start of the half No need to sound whistle if everyone is already paying attention i.e. ball was knocked out of bounds by defense Hand/bounce ball to the player Hand ball on end line in frontcourt and bounce on sideline. Move approx 5 feet away from the player Start the visible count with hand opposite the player (5 sec) when they receive ball Signal when the ball is touched in bounds

15 Throw In Administration
Throw Ins Box players in Lead and Trail always go opposite of each other End line and side line, division line and side line Position of Throw In determines L-T Lead administers all endline throw ins and throw ins that he/she is responsible for If ball is less than half way between end line and FT line extended, Lead remains on end line. Bounce ball to player If ball is more than half way between end line and FT line extended, Lead becomes Trail and Trail becomes new Lead

16 Throw In Administration

17 Throw In Administration

18 Throw In Administration
Bump and run If ball is hit out by offense nearest the Trail official above FT line extended, bump ball to Lead official, then run down court to assume the position as Lead official New Trail official waits to administer throw in until New Lead official is in position Technical Fouls and Starting 2nd Half The throw in is administered opposite the table at the division line by the trail

19 Free Throw Administration
Positioning Lead official administers the shots When the ball will NOT be rebounded, bounce ball to shooter, move 1 step off end line, 1 step off lane line extended toward side line When the ball WILL be rebounded, bounce ball to shooter, move approx. 3 feet off end line and 3 feet past lane line toward sideline Trail official monitors players and provides visible count (10 sec) with table side hand, raise table side hand when ball leaves shooters hand (last shot only). Stand 3 feet above the FT line extended, and approx. 6 feet from the sideline

20 Free Throw Administration
FT Positioning and Responsibilities Table

21 Fouls Switch positions on Fouls
When the Lead official calls a foul, he/she must report the foul to the table, then take the position as the new Trail official, relative to where the ball will be put in play next Trail official observes all players at this time, when the Lead moves to report the foul, the Trail official takes the position as the new Lead official When the Trail officials calls a foul, he/she must report the foul to the table, then take position as the Trail official relative to where the ball will be put in play next Lead official observes all players and take position as the Lead official When you report a foul and shots are to be taken, the trail will always be table side

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