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Sound Quiz A check up to see if you are using your ears to pick up the sound waves around you.

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Presentation on theme: "Sound Quiz A check up to see if you are using your ears to pick up the sound waves around you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sound Quiz A check up to see if you are using your ears to pick up the sound waves around you.

2 1. The part of your ear that acts as a “catcher” of sound, catching the sound waves from the air, is your: eardrum ear lobe outer ear inner ear [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

3 2. Sound is funneled through your ear canal
2. Sound is funneled through your ear canal. Then it bounces off your ______ causing it to vibrate. auditory nerve ear bone eardrum tonsil [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

4 stirrup syrup halter spur
3. Next, the vibration moves along to the tiniest bones in your body. They act like a little relay team as they pass the vibration along. They are the hammer, the anvil, and the __________. stirrup syrup halter spur [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

5 4. Next the vibration moves to the ______ _________, the gateway to the inner ear.
circular mirror round prism oval window oval mirror [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

6 5. The snail-shaped part of your inner ear that holds fluid, hearing cells, and nerve endings is called the _________. cochlea cobra koala auditory nerve [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

7 6. The signal is sent up to the brain by traveling along the __________ ______.
spinal cord ear canal federal express auditory nerve [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

8 7. The _______ decodes the signal and tells you what made the sound occur.
ear eye brain nerve [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

9 they are all the same pitch
8. A little girl picks up a mallet to hit a xylophone. She wants to create the highest pitch that she can make. Which key should she hit? the longest key the shortest key the one in the middle they are all the same pitch [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

10 the middle one the longest one the shortest one any of the straws
9. All of the guests at Audrey’s birthday party made panpipes out of straws of different lengths. They wanted to play Happy Birthday on the panpipes and they wanted to start on a low pitch. Which straw would the guests blow to get a low pitch? the middle one the longest one the shortest one any of the straws [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

11 the one with the least water the one with the most water
10. Jadea found that she could make music from bottles that she filled with different amount of water. When she tapped on the side of the bottles, she found different pitches according to the amount of water in each bottle. Which bottle did she tap to get a high pitch? the one with the least water the one with the most water the one that was almost full they were all the same [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

12 the pitch results were different because Michael is taller
11. Michael said that he could make music a different way using Jadea’s bottles of water. He blew over the tops of the bottles to get different pitches. His pitch results were not the same as the ones Jadea had predicted. What was the difference? the pitch results were different because Michael is taller Michael was using the amount of air instead of water he did it wrong someone bumped the table [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

13 12. Timmy is having guitar problems
12. Timmy is having guitar problems. All of the notes he plays are a tiny bit lower in pitch than he would like. What can Timmy do to make the pitch a little bit higher? hit the string harder loosen the string tighten the string hit the string softer [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

14 13. We have learned that a _____ vibration produces a high pitch.
tiny slow fast big [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

15 14. If sound is too loud, it will harm your ear
14. If sound is too loud, it will harm your ear. The loudness or volume of sound is measured in: centimeters decibels phonographs kilometers [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

16 15. When you talk, the sound of your voice is made from the vibrations of your:
talking box imagination vocal connector vocal chords [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

17 16. When sound bounces off of an object, an ______ is heard.
elephant vibration echo whisper [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

18 17. A quiet sound is made by a _____ vibration.
fast tiny big slow [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

19 18. A slow vibration produces a ____ pitch.
natural quiet high [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

20 19. The Native Americans put their ear to the ground to listen for buffalo because:
sound travels best through a gas sound travels best through a solid sound travels best through a liquid they thought the grass was warm [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

21 20. Whales and bats use sound and its echo to help them find food
20. Whales and bats use sound and its echo to help them find food. This is called: scavenging echolocation echo vibration echo sign [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]

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