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City Pilot in Riga The Mūkusalas street Jana Grīnhofa

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1 City Pilot in Riga The Mūkusalas street Jana Grīnhofa
Board of Project Management Senior Project Manager

2 Mūkusalas street location:
in the city center; near the river Daugava; in the protection zone of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage site Historic Centre of Riga

3 Historical insight: From 1868 to Torņakalna port area (cargo handling and delivery of the right bank or factories). In the Soviet times there was Riga radio factory "Radiotehnika", nowadays building is abandoned. Traffic between the two banks of the Daugava century. He maintained at the turn of both bridges and boats.

4 Description of the area:
Size: 0.5km2 (50 ha) Location: Part of neighborhood Torņakalns

5 Kīleveina Ditch

6 Kīleveina ditch revitalization idea
In 2006, SIA Dommo hosted international competitions territory between Mūkusalas promenade and Kileveina ditch development; For the second round winners acknowledged architect Uģis Šenbergs.


8 Current plans for the area
Priority development teritories in the city of Riga Sustainable Development Strategy of Riga until 2030 Development programme of Riga 2014 – 2020

9 Current plans for the area
Revitalization of Mukusalas promenade planned in the context with improvement development in the technical project of National Library of Latvia (was open to the public in 2014) Revitalization of Mukusalas promenade Improvement of Lucavsala

10 Current plans for the area
In the neighbouring territory (Innovative and high- tech centre) University of Latvia are building new complex for natural sciences Multimodal transport hub in Torņakalns neighbourhood with potential Park and Ride

11 External expertise needed
Stakeholders to be involved External expertise needed Municipality Private partners: owners of the territory and buildings Representatives from local NGOs Experts: architect, designer, environment specialist, scientists etc. Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia Current situation analysis (history, plans, inhabitant flows, services, accessibility, geology) Public opinion survey Local entrepreneur etc. opinion survey Public space design Result dissemination and integration in web

12 Methods and approaches to be developed and tested in the City pilot
Experience (several methods for public involvement have been used) Discussions Questionnaires (public opinion surveys, IT, printed versions in seminars) Letters Exhibitions Seminars «Ideju talka» (brainstorm) Problems: to involve persons, get feedback and to see territory as common and give personal contribution New approach: qualitative and professional discussions with stakeholders, fulfil liabilities from municipal side and try to motivate private sector in common contribution to the pilot area revitalization

13 Expectations towards the Baltic Urban Lab project
Experience exchange in brownfield revitalization process and maintenance Experience in definition of brownfields and regular monitoring Legislation practice (state, municipality possibilities to invest in private property for brownfield revitalization) Cooperation methods with stakeholders, motivation in revitalization and maintenance process

14 Thank you! Jana Grīnhofa Senior Project Manager Riga City Council
City Development Department Mob |

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