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BigPanDA Technical Interchange Meeting July 20, 2017 Hong Ma

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1 BigPanDA Technical Interchange Meeting July 20, 2017 Hong Ma
Welcome to BNL BigPanDA Technical Interchange Meeting July 20, 2017 Hong Ma Safety! 70/100!

2 Brookhaven Lab at a Glance…
Est. 1947 One of 17 DOE Labs, 10 DOE Office of Science, 6 multi-program SC Labs Managed by Brookhaven Science Associates Core universities: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, Columbia, Cornell 3,000 employees => ~5400 jobs in NY State 400 Grad/Undergrad Students (BNL payroll) $600M annual budget 5,320 acres with 310 buildings Major user facility for university and industry researchers Over 4,000 users per year Stony Brook University is Lab’s largest user (>600) Fundamental, basic research to innovation, development and commercialization of technologies: energy S&T, nuclear and high energy physics, bio and environmental sciences, big data, national security

3 Brookhaven National Laboratory
RHIC NSRL BLIP BNL Scientific Data and Computing Center Interdisciplinary Energy Science Building CFR-I ATF CFN NSLS-II Long Island Solar Farm

4 Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)
The world’s highest energy machine for fundamental nuclear physics World-wide collaboration of more than 1,000 scientists, engineers and students Unique, most powerful microscope to explore the mysterious world of the Strong Force inside the proton and sec after the birth of the universe 4,000,000,000,000K It is a Quark-Gluon Plasma and a “Perfect Liquid”! Strategy for the future Measure the extraordinary properties of the perfect liquid Transition from RHIC to eRHIC to learn what’s at the heart of all visible matter Applications of nuclear science Understand the origin of the universe a microsecond after the big bang

5 ATLAS DUNE LSST High Energy Physics
Energy Frontier: ATLAS US ATLAS Operations Program Phase I – Upgrade Project HL-LHC Upgrade Project Tier I Computing Software & distributed computing Physics analysis and support Intensity Frontier: Neutrinos Large LArTPC: MicroBooNE, SBND and DUNE. Host International DUNE Project Office DUNE far detector project office Leadership of Daya Bay Experiment Significant contributions to PROSPECT Cosmic Frontier: LSST Development and characterization of CCD sensors and production of Science Rafts. large scale structure theory and experiment, weak lensing and computing infrastructure DUNE Understand the origin of the universe a microsecond after the big bang LSST

6 Computational Science Initiative (CSI)
Leverage laboratory investments in scientific computing across multiple programs Partners : universities (Columbia, Cornell, New York University, Stony Brook, and Yale) and companies Infrastructure Operation: RACF, HPC, High Speed Network Transfers Computational Science: e.g., Lattice QCD Computer Science Research: programming models, machine learning, visual analytics. workload management Applied Mathematics and training Understand the origin of the universe a microsecond after the big bang

7 World-Leading Scientific Data Archive and Analysis Facility
2nd largest scientific archive in the U.S., 4th largest in the world PB Annual data statistics: 35 PB ingest, 37 PB export, 400 PB analyzed, up to 200 TB/day transferred ~1.6 ExaByte of data processed using BNL PanDA in 380 M jobs last year world wide 70,000 High Throughput Computing Cores, HPC - 64,500 core IBM BG/Q, new HPC Computer Systems installed, mirroring ASCR future Leadership Class Computing Facilities Current 200 GB/s external network link will be upgraded to 300 GB/s in 2017 17 Data Services, ~1700 active users BNL’s Institutional Cluster installed 2016

8 From Baby PanDA to BigPanDA

9 Have a Productive and Safe Meeting and Happy Interchanging!

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