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Canada Blood Lies By Daniel Kalla

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1 Canada Blood Lies By Daniel Kalla
Molly Kinnisten Mrs. Gaspari English 10 January 13, 2012

2 The Perce Rock is off the tip of the Gaspe Peninsula and is a large formation of limestone. This tourist attraction is 1,300 ft long and 296 ft wide. It gets the name pierced due to the large hole that forms an arch. The Fortress of Louisbourg is an 18th century like fortress and is known as a national historical site. It is located Cape Breten, Nova Scotia. It is the largest historical society that was reconstructed. The Gaspe Peninsula is a small island surrounded by the St. Laurence River and the Bay of Chaleur. It is in the Eastern part of Quebec. The people who live on the island are known as Indians of the sea due  to how good they are at fishing. 

3 Culture Historically, the Canadian culture has been greatly influenced by the British and also the French cultures but now the American culture is its influence. Canada's name came from the Iroquoian word kanata, meaning village.  Their culture has been passed down orally from the elderly generation to the younger still today. The United Kingdom and Canada share many of the same customs, values, beliefs and traditions.

4 Interesting Facts The United Kingdom is Canada’s third largest trading partner and is the second largest source of tourists visiting Canada. Hockey and Lacrosse are Canada's two national sports. There hasn't been any mail deliveries on Sunday in over 35 years. Canada has some of the worst obesity rates and is home to the two fattest people. In 1947, John Cabot was the first explorer to reach Canada. Canada consume more macaroni and cheese than any other nation on the Earth. Canada has an albino groundhog from Wiarton, Ontario.

5 What I have would done if I was the main character.
If I was the main character in this book i would probably most likely handled the conflict different. I doubt I would run from the cops and escape to Canada illegally. I wouldn't have used someone else's identity to live for weeks, even if someone gave it to me. It's all too risky and that's just not the type of person I am.  I would not break the law. I probably would have just gone with the police because it would make me look a lot less guilty than fleeing to another country. Even though Ben didn't do anything, leaving immediately still makes you look really guilty. I would have gone with the police and also just try to convince them some more that it wasn't me. I would get a good lawyer and let him figure it out himself.

6 The main conflict in Blood Lies
The main conflict in this book is that Ben(main character) is convinced of committing a double homicide. His ex-fiancé and a drug dealer in her home. The reason he was the suspect was because of a strand of blood found on the wall of the apartment. The blood was one of the rarest blood types and is also known to be his.  But also his twin brothers that had died two years earlier. Ben has an odd idea that his brother is still alive and killed the two so he illegally flees off to Vancouver, Canada to search for any clues. Canada was where Aaron, Bens twin brother resided. So Ben tries to clear his name by finding the real suspects of the double homicide.  The conflict is an external conflict.  The Canadians are so oblivious at first because they have no idea that this person has "committed a crime" since he is using his best friends brothers identity. As time goes on the news spreads to Vancouver and Ben has to stay on an even lower profile.

7 What I would do for an alternative ending to Blood Lies.
An alternative ending to the book I read would have to be that Ben was found, put into jail, and stayed in Jail. I would write it so that Ben is the suspect and did kill the two but tried to blame it on his twin brother who is already dead. So the beginning of the book would make it sound like Ben was the killer of the double homicide but after reading the whole book the ending would be a huge surprise. It would end up that Ben was truly guilty and responsible so he lived in jail for twenty years.

8 Similarities between me and the main character.
Me and the main character of this book do have some similarities. For example we both are tall and we both speak English. We are both from The United States. We are both sneaky and like to snoop. Also we like to search for the answers to something unanswered. I wouldn't go to the extents Ben did because I wouldn't do anything illegal like he did. We both like to be alone and have time to think of certain things. He is a surgeon and I also want to be a surgeon when I get older. Both kind, and intelligent. We both wont stop bothering someone until we get what we want out of them.

9 How my vies have changed since reading this book.
My views have kind of changed. One way is that I will never think of police officers job the same anymore. This is because the book kind of has a point of view of how a police officer has to react to a crime even if it isn't what they want to believe. They have to go with the evidence they find. Police actually have a hard job. Also that I would never run from the law. It only makes things worse even if you go out trying to make them better. Lying is also bad because it loses trust with people you gain healthy relationships with. It would take a long time to gain that trust back. Also if you lie about something so much people will start to not believe you and you wont have anyone to turn to when in trouble. The book didn't speak very much of the actual culture of Canada but I learned that everywhere you go will be different in a way but if you plan on fitting in you will have to learn to adapt, and most likely quickly.

10 Work Cited. "Canada Famous Landmarks, Tourist Attractions & Best
     Places to Visit." Famous Wonders of the World – Best      Places to Visit & Travel Web. 12 Jan. 2012     . "Canada Culture." Find Universities and Colleges - a Guide to Colleges and      Universities in Canada, Europe and the United States! University World and      Wikipedia. Web. 12 Jan <>.  "Fun Facts About Canada - Canadian Geographic Kids!"     Canadian Geographic - Canadian Geographic Magazine     . Canadian Geographic Enterprises, Web. 12 Jan. 2012 . <

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