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Remote Telescopes in Education

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1 Remote Telescopes in Education
VSA 2006 Remote Telescopes in Education How Apollo Asteroid 2003 QA was discovered…

2 where? what? why? RESULTS! VSA 2006

3 Why to use them in school?
- stimulate interest in science - hands-on experience - etc. etc. Problem: It is not dark during school hours! Solution: Other side of the world = remote control VSA 2006

4 Example… School in Europe  Telescopes on Hawaii and in Australia
VSA 2006

5 Morning in Europe school starts in Europe
night starts on Hawaii, not yet in Australia VSA 2006

6 Noon in Europe night on Hawaii and in Australia VSA 2006

7 Evening in Europe still night in Australia VSA 2006

8 Remote? Automatic? Robotic?
Chapter 2: Definition: remote, automatic, robotic Remote? Automatic? Robotic? Hawaii Internet Croatia manual automatic robotic manual automatic robotic Locally accessed Remotely accessed VSA 2006

9 Possible projects Comet and Asteroid studies: discovery of new objects
follow-up of newly discovered NEOs lightcurve work monitoring comets (Af[rho]…) Hunting for Supernovae Variable star work Gamma Ray Bursts – optical afterglow hunting VSA 2006

10 The Faulkes Telescope Project
two 2-m telescopes Hawaii and Australia largest telescopes in the world dedicated to education 10 Mio British Pounds open to UK schools VSA 2006

11 Faulkes Telescope North on Hawaii
VSA 2006

12 Faulkes Telescope South in Australia
VSA 2006

13 Visnjan School of Astronomy Robotic Telescope Group
VSA 2006

14 Visnjan Observatory Robotic Telescope
VSA 2006

15 VSA 2006

16 The NEO group at VSA 2003 Students: Petra Korlevic (Croatia)
Brigitta Sipocz (Hungary) Zsolt Diveki (Yugoslavia) 41-cm f/4.3 reflector + 1k1k CCD „Telescope operator“: Korado Korlevic VSA 2006

17 Forest fires on Istria + burned mainboard
30-cm f/9 telescope + 1k1k CCD at OAM made available for VSA remotely controlled over Internet from Visnjan first mission in education first time controlled by students VSA 2006

18 C/2001 K5 (LINEAR) on (2100) Ra-Shalom VSA 2006

19 The field… VSA 2006

20 The field… close-up VSA 2006

21 Excitement after lunch – a second object!
no ID inside Astrometrica/MPCorb all images measured no ID inside MPChecker looks like an unknown NEO quick to MPC added onto NEOCP VSA 2006

22 MPC mainpage at 19:15 UT VSA 2006

23 NEOCP at 19:15 UT VSA 2006

24 NEOCP results at 19:15 UT VSA 2006

25 NEOCP uncertainty map at 19:15 UT
VSA 2006

26 MPC mainpage at 21:20 UT VSA 2006

27 NEOCP at 21:20 UT VSA 2006

28 How to get it published before end of VSA the next day?
many solutions possible we must constrain the range of possible geocentric distances simultaneous observations from Visnjan and Mallorca! slyone C R slyone C R slyone C R slyone C R slyone C R slyone C R Geocentric distance = 0.26 AU  NEO and km-sized VSA 2006

29 Discovery MPEC after 24h of observations
VSA 2006

30 Discovery MPEC after 24h of observations
VSA 2006

31 The orbit of apollo type NEO 2003 QA
VSA 2006

32 Conclusions You need to invest a lot of work initially! But…
Remote Telescopes are useful Remote Telescopes are effective Prototype  Cloning! VSA 2006

33 Cloning… Thank you… questions? VSA 2006

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