Year 2 class news at Ysgol y Ddraig

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1 Year 2 class news at Ysgol y Ddraig
Week Ending: Friday 22nd September Reminders Reading Folders – All children will have been given a letter today stating which day their reading folders should be returned to school. Any queries please speak to your child’s class teacher. P.E Days – Your child will have P.E every Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a P.E kit which should include a white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers and black plimsoles. Belongings - Please ensure all children’s property is clearly labelled. Twitter – Daily photographs and updates on class activities are uploaded Look out for #Rheidol and #Coch. Snack – Children can buy fruit at a small cost of 20p per day (£1 for the week). Alternatively, children can bring in their own fruit. School Photos – Class photos will take place next week on Tuesday 26th and Individual/Sibling photos on Wednesday 27th Sept. This week… We have been ordering 2-digit numbers in Maths, by using our place value knowledge of tens and units to help us. We have also been working on how to identify which number is the smallest and which number is the biggest. We really enjoyed ordering numbers on the caterpillar game ‘(topmarks). In literacy we have been practising our spelling and reading our high frequency word walls. These words are often tricky as they cannot be sounded out. We have had a fantastic end to our week celebrating our New Year, New School Celebration with the whole school! A huge thank you to all of our family and friends who were able to join us. We have worked really hard perfecting our moves this week and we hope you enjoyed our performance. We also spent the morning engaging in lots of fun activities to help us celebrate. These included a story telling session from Roger Day, a visit from our librarian Kathy and an African Drumming session with Upbeat Music. It has been a great day! Home Learning This year we are trialing a new style of home learning activities at Ysgol y Ddraig, as a response to our parent questionnaires and feedback. On the reverse of this sheet is a home learning grid for the whole term, which will contribute to the topic work completed in class. The four corners are shaded, and these are tasks that we hope your child will engage in on a weekly basis. We then invite children to complete a minimum of three white boxed tasks at any point during the term. This means, home learning can be very flexible, allowing you and your child to choose which ones you would like to complete and when you wish to bring them in to class. Thanks for your support, Miss Cogbill and Mrs Burmingham

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