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Colour changing 04.10.13 Yr6 Andy Warhol.

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Presentation on theme: "Colour changing 04.10.13 Yr6 Andy Warhol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colour changing Yr6 Andy Warhol

2 Complementary Colours
Two colors that are the direct opposite of each other, such as red and green and blue-orange and yellow- purple. Complementary colors create the most contrast and balance in design. Andy used a lot of complementary colours when creating his print screen portraits. Lets take a look at some examples.

3 Discuss and remind children







10 Your Task Can you apply the colour theory of complementary bright colours like these pop art printings to your own Mickey Mouse painting? Think about: How you will mix the water colours to create brighter colours. Which colours you have learnt complement each other in Andy’s work.

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