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Prosperity God’s Way Getting! Want good stuff? Want free gifts?

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Presentation on theme: "Prosperity God’s Way Getting! Want good stuff? Want free gifts?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prosperity God’s Way Getting! Want good stuff? Want free gifts? Want your needs met? Want to succeed? Want to “make a difference”? Want true freedom? Want to know a secret that keeps you from “getting ahead”?

2 Want free gifts? From God himself?
Prosperity God’s Way Want REALLY good stuff? Want free gifts? From God himself? Want your earthly needs met? By God? Want to succeed? By God’s standards? Want to “make a difference”? Permanently? Want true freedom? Starting right away? Want to know a secret that keeps you from “getting ahead”? Are you sure you want to know this?

3 God’s free gifts are irrevocable Rom 11:29
Prosperity God’s Way Want free gifts? God’s free gifts are irrevocable Rom 11:29 HOW? Humble yourself and get grace (grace = gifts)! Jas. 4:6 Eternal life HOW? Simple as ABC! Admit you’re a sinner--Rom 3:23 Believe--Jn 3:16 Confess Jesus as Lord of your life--Rom 10:9

4 HOW? Humble yourself and get grace (grace = gifts)! Jas. 4:6
Prosperity God’s Way Want free gifts? HOW? Humble yourself and get grace (grace = gifts)! Jas. 4:6 The (fullness of the) Holy Spirit HOW? Ask! Lk 11:13 Gifts (graces) of the Holy Spirit HOW? Be AVAILABLE to Him: GIVE what He gives you RECEIVE what is given in Spiritual Gifts by others to you

5 Prosperity God’s Way Want your needs met? HOW? GIVE 1 Kings 17:8-16
Give to God first as you are increased Give what you need Luke 6:38 Need time? Give time Need money? Give money Need love? Give love Need friends? Be friendly and be a friend Need food? Feed someone else Expect God to meet your needs, not the person you to whom you give

6 Prosperity God’s Way Want to succeed?
HOW? Live God’s Word –Joshua 1:8 “meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” Memorize it Review it Think of practical ways to apply it Look for opportunities to apply it Apply it!

7 Want to make a difference?
Prosperity God’s Way Want to make a difference? HOW? Invest in ETERNITY Mt 6:19-21 People are important, NOT things Obedience to God is more important than penance (sacrifices)

8 Want get it all in one deal?
Prosperity God’s Way Want get it all in one deal? HOW? Get WISDOM --James 1:5 See life from God’s perspective Understand that actions have consequences 2 Ch 1:11 (NKJ) And God said to Solomon: "Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life-but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king 12 wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honor,

9 Want to know a secret that keeps you from getting ahead?
Prosperity God’s Way Want to know a secret that keeps you from getting ahead? He that covers his sins won’t prosper Proverbs 28:13 If we say we have no sin we make Him a liar and the truth is not in us Don’t hide your sins—get mercy If you confess and forsake them you have mercy

10 Prosperity God’s Way Want REALLY good stuff? Want free gifts? Humble yourself! Want your earthly needs met? Give! Want to succeed? Live God’s Word! Want to “make a difference”? Invest in eternity! Want true freedom? Request forgiveness! Want to know a secret that keeps you from “getting ahead”? Not confessing and forsaking sin!

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