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Overview of the Vietnam War

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1 Overview of the Vietnam War

2 Colonial Roots of Vietnam
1850s-1940s: French colony (Indochina—Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) WWII: invaded by Japan After WWII: France tries to retake Indochina w/U.S. help ( ) France abandons Vietnam after defeat at Dienbienphu

3 U.S. Involvement/Goals Truman supports “containment” of communism
Domino theory in region—1954 Eisenhower Geneva Accords—Vietnam independence from France, splits in 2, U.S. takes France’s place

4 North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Communist Vietminh (political party of independence) South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Republic of Vietnam (some Vietminh) Supported by U.S. Vietcong (communist group just in South)

5 Vietnamese “Insurgents” Advantages
View war as struggle for independence against foreign invaders Knew terrain & people Were more willing to be patient and sustain high casualties Need to fight only to a stalemate

6 Escalation of “Conflict”
1964—Tonkin Gulf Resolution—no war declared, troops sent Pres. Johnson escalates war 1965-1st sustained bombing of North Vietnam 1965-Anti-war protests begin

7 - Operation Rolling Thunder - Winning the “Hearts & Minds” of the South Vietnamese - Role of the Media -‘It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.” -Johnson’s “Credibility gap”

8 LBJ & “Credibility Gap”

9 The New Left Young radical political activists
Free Speech Movement (1964) Pursued the rights of students to engage in political activity (UC Berkeley and SF State) Anti-War Cause Used “teach ins” to discuss the moral political aspects of the Vietnam War (University of Michigan) Protested end of automatic deferments in 1966 Draft card burnings/Draft evasion Counter-Culture/Hippies differ from New Left, though lines between 2 blurred

10 The Downfall: 1968 January: Tet Offensive Feb: My Lai Massacre
March: LBJ decides not to seek re-election April: MLK assassinated June: RFK assassinated August: Riots at Dem. Convention November: Nixon elected president

11 1968 Election Eugene McCarthy, Robert Kennedy & Hubert Humphrey
all vie for Democratic Nomination after LBJ pulls out unexpectedly

12 ’68 Chicago Democratic Convention

13 Republican Richard Nixon triumphs with promises of “Peace With Honor” & appeals to the “Silent Majority” Conservative backlash to “Tumult” of the 1960s “New Federalism”

14 Vietnam War Under Nixon
1969: Nixon—policy of Vietnamization 1969: Lottery Draft System 1970: Secret Bombing of Cambodia (1971-Laos) 1970: Kent State Massacre

15 End of the War 1971: Pentagon Papers 1971: Voting Age=18
1973: Troops Withdraw & War Powers Act Passed 1975: Fall of Saigon 1977— draft dodgers pardoned; draft ends


17 Vietnam War Totals Longest war in U.S. history
indirect involvement of intelligence and $ ( ) direct military involvement in $140 billion spent on war 58,000 American troops killed, 365,000 wounded Vietnamese totals: 1.5 million killed Presidents involved: Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon

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