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Eagle By Luke.

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1 Eagle By Luke

2 Eagle Anatomy Most eagles have dark brown feathers.
An adult eagle has about 7,000 feathers. Eagles have sharp claws called talons. Eagles have great eyesight. Eagles have very strong wings for gliding. They have very strong beaks.

3 a habitat of an eagle Eagles live in the wild.
Eagles live in North America. Eagles live by the ocean. Eagles live by valleys too.

4 Eagles’ life cycle Eagles lay three eggs.
Then mom and dad sit on the eggs for 35 to 45 days. Then the baby hatches and it is called eaglets. Eagles leave their nest when they’re four to five months old. They can live to 30 years in the wild.

5 Interesting Facts of an Eagle
Eagles eat meat, fish, turtle, mice, rabbits and snakes. There are 59 kinds of eagles. Eagles are a symbol of the United States of America. Eagles are great flyers.

6 Bibliography World Book Encyclopedia Amazing Animal Eagles
Wild Birds of Prey Eagles Pebble Go

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