Macro-economics and Well-Being

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Presentation on theme: "Macro-economics and Well-Being"— Presentation transcript:

1 Macro-economics and Well-Being
Chapter 0 Macro-economics and Well-Being © Dünhaupt, Dullien, Goodwin, Harris, Nelson, Roach, Torras

2 GDP per capita UNF p5

3 GDP per capita growth UNF p6

4 Net national savings UNF p7

5 General government gross debt
UNF p8

6 Labor productivity UNF p9

7 Average annual hours worked
UNF p10

8 Unemployment UNF p11

9 Inflation rate UNF p12

10 General government revenue
UNF p13

11 Trade balance UNF p14

12 GINI coefficient UNF p15

13 Population in absolute poverty
UNF p16

14 Official development assistance
UNF p17

15 Internet users UNF p18

16 Average PISA science test score
UNF p19

17 Life expectancy at birth
UNF p20

18 Average life satisfication
UNF p21

19 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita
UNF p22

20 Average national particulate matter concentration
UNF p23

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