Professional Development and Standards Board

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development and Standards Board"— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development and Standards Board
Duty of care What is it? Celia Todd RCSLT Professional Development and Standards Board

2 Duty of care common law You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour Lord Atkin 1932

3 What does this mean for me?
Reasonable in relation to level of experience Considered clinical risk Doing what is reasonable Working to level of competence Higher the competence, higher the expected standard Judged against respected body of opinion

4 Context – why? Changing workforce and skill mix
Changing roles and relationships Recruitment and retention 24/7 services Blurring of professional boundaries Emphasis on patient-centred care Greater use of protocols, guidelines and care pathways 24/7 services

5 Standards What is expected of me?
Respect for autonomy – enabling individuals to make informed decisions Beneficence – to do good Non-maleficence – to avoid harm Distributive justice – individuals in similar circumstances treated in a similar way

6 Cont’d What is expected of me?
Maintain confidentiality Seek informed consent Maintain accurate records Refrain from discrimination Adhere to relevant legislation and local and organisational policies Maintain and develop skills and knowledge

7 Competence and capability
Individuals ability to apply knowledge and skills to delegated task Capability Full range of potentials – may be beyond current role and responsibility Performance Competence in action

8 Competence and capability
TASK what to do PROCESS how to do it JUDGMENT & DECISION MAKING deciding best course of action at the time

9 Delegation of tasks SLT must consider:
Knowledge and skills needed for the task Knowledge and skills of support practitioner (SP) Compliance with protocols, policy and guidelines Level of supervision and feedback SP carries responsibility for the task, but SLT remains accountable

10 Supervision Clear arrangements and access Named supervisor Recorded
Shared responsibility Emergency contact arrangements

11 Professional Indemnity Insurance
Intercollegiate Information Paper: Supervision, accountability and delegation of activities to support workers 2006 Communicating Quality 3 RCSLT 2006 RCSLT Competencies Project: Support Practitioner Framework 2002 RCSLT Standards for working with SLT Support Practitioners 2003

12 Professional Indemnity Insurance
Intercollegiate Information Paper: Supervision, accountability and delegation of activities to support workers 2006 Communicating Quality 3 RCSLT 2006 RCSLT Competencies Project: Support Practitioner Framework 2002 RCSLT Standards for working with SLT Support Practitioners 2003

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