Introducing the Longust Family Tree Next.

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1 Introducing the Longust Family Tree Next

2 The Longust Family The diagram below looks something like a “tree of bubbles”. I call it the Longust Family Tree. Individuals are assigned a bubble and they are clustered into family groups. Everyone belongs to at least one family group with a father, mother, and possibly siblings. If someone gets married, the person and spouse starts a second family group which can include children. As new marriages and births happen, new bubbles and connections will extend the top of our family tree. My research continues to extend the roots at the bottom. At this moment in 2017, our family tree includes ~100 individuals and ~15 family groups, most of which are Longusts. Over 6 generations are now connected to each other. The connections are based on first-hand knowledge and official government documents including census records, and certificates of birth, marriage and death. This website will allow you to see all of the original documents, and much more. Previous Next Living Individuals Ancestors Color Legend: = male Longust = female Longust = non-Longust spouse (male or female) = active male bloodline ? ?

3 The Longust Family By tipping our Longust Family Tree diagram on its side, it fits better on a single sheet of paper, and names can be added. This website will allow you download your own copy of the diagram, and you can print it yourself. When printed on 11x17” paper, the names are small & hard-to-read. However, when printed on large-format paper (17x22”), names are easy-to-read & this diagram comes to life. Take advantage of my free offer! I want to share my research so others can build on it. Knowing these family connections are valid and accurate, the diagram represents a “base of common knowledge”. As new records are discovered, everyone will be able to evaluate them quickly, and determine if it important or not. Recently, I traced our roots back to Wales. I’m very excited to share this long-awaited discovery with you. Previous Next ? U.S.A. Wales Example Family Group: Oldest (son) Son Daughter Youngest (daughter) Father Mother

4 The Longust Family Family Tree Structure You are here
William Reihl Longust, Jr. Rose Leona Miller Baby (Male) Longust Thomas Michael William Thomas Marie Winkelman Here’s one “zoomed-in” view of one area of the Longust Family Tree structure. It shows 5 family groups. The full diagram below shows the location of the zoomed view. Kathleen Mabel Barbee Carolyn Emily Barbee Dorothy Marie Longust Louis Fredrick Barbee Donna Lynn Barbee Previous Next William “Teddy” Reihl Longust, Sr. Emily “Emma” McKenna William Reihl Longust, Sr. Dorothy Marie Longust Donald Joseph Longust David Lee Longust Baby Theodore Dorothy Jean Davlan Donald Joseph Longust Timothy Alan Longust Michael Brian Longust Diane Marie Longust Nancy Lee Longust Baby Martin Family Tree Structure Brian David Longust Carol Sue Behnen David Lee Longust Theodore “Ted” Joseph Longust Paul Edward Longust Kelly Ann Longust Stacey Lynn Longust You are here

5 The Longust Family Base of Knowledge 1800s 1700s 1600s
Beyond the validated Longust Family Tree, I have uncovered over 100 additional documents about Longusts which I cannot connect. Like loose puzzle pieces, there are individuals, married couples, family groups, and strings of family-groups which remain unlinked. As one digs into history, information becomes sparse and important details are often missing. Making family connections can be difficult, or impossible. Additional research is needed to link them. Because new information appears on the internet regularly, I remain optimistic these loose documents will be linked eventually. The diagram below represents the challenge in graphical form. Previous Next Knowledge boundary 1800s 1700s 1600s Base of Knowledge

6 The Longust Family Within the year, my hope and dream is to make our Longust Family Tree interactive. I mean that you will be able to navigate the diagram like a map using your mouse. For example… Hover your mouse over any bubble, and see their full name. Two examples are shown below. Search a list of names, and find their bubble in the diagram. Click on any bubble, and it jumps to that person’s biography page if they have one. Click on any cluster of bubbles, and it will take you to that person’s family and their highlights. End Previous William Henry Longust ? Dorothy Jean Davlan Longust 2000 1950 1900 1850 1800 1750 1700

7 End of Slide Show Introduction

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