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Sensation and Perception

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1 Sensation and Perception
Can we trust what we see? Hear? Feel?

2 How do we read? Right now as you read this, your eyes capture the light reflected off the page. Structures in your eyes change this pattern into neural signals ( transduction) and are sent to the brain and interpreted as language. ( sensation) The perception of these symbols as words allow you to understand what you are reading….

3 Sensation Sensation= 1) activation of our senses (eyes, ears etc)
2) Physical energy encoded in neural signals 3) handout

4 Perception How is the information organized?
Defined= 1) Process of understanding sensation 2) Perception enables us to derive meaning from sensory information and to recognize objects and events. Examples: Handout

5 Processing Top- down Processing- We are able to construct meaning based upon experiences and expectations Next Slide

6 Please read…. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

7 Processing Bottom Up Processing- understanding begins with sensory inputs and works upward to organization. Visual Illusions link.

8 Thresholds Absolute Threshold- To experience or perceive a stimulus you need to be able to detect a stimulus ( 50% of time) Web link ( threshold demo) Is there really an absolute threshold?

9 Is Subliminal advertising possible? ( sub threshold)
Define- Subliminal means below absolute threshold, or below our conscious perception. Have half the class close eyes and watch first two slides. Then reverse…

10 Can we subliminally induce someone to buy?

11 Can emotional response be manipulated?

12 .2




16 Thresholds… Difference Threshold- A “ just noticeable” difference( jnd) between two stimuli. It is the minimum difference perceivable between two stimuli.

17 Thresholds Weber’s Law= A minimum difference
( not amount) must be present to perceive two stimuli as different. Price changes, and impact on buying behavior. Homecoming Dress or a new suit? suit… 75.oo shirt? 30,000 car leather seats?

18 Sensory Adaptation Defined-If a stimulus is constantly, or repeatedly presented, its effect will diminish. Cold pool, Radio…Others?

19 Sub threshold Absolute Threshold Difference Threshold Thresholds…
A woman tries to use tapes/ Cds to learn spanish- “while she sleeps” A sentry on night duty notices a soft noise and call out “halt” A father takes his children to the playground. During the visit a child start to cry. Without looking, the father can tell it is not his child’s cry.

20 Sub threshold Absolute Threshold Difference Threshold
There is a sale on 5 pound sacks of potatoes . In order to make sure you get the most for your money, you pick up several to see which is the heaviest. You help your friend look for the contact lens on her white kitchen floor. A music group records “ buy our albums” backwards on one of their songs.

21 Can Perception change Sensation?

22 Impulse from sense organ (eyes) travel to Occipital Lobe

23 Brain: Association areas

24 Do we see the world the same?
Marissa sees all dogs as “bad dog”

25 What about back masking?

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