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The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece

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1 The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece
The Olympians

2 What is Greek mythology?
The people of ancient Greece shared stories called myths about the gods, goddesses, and heroes in which they believed. Each god or goddess was worshipped and ruled over certain areas of the Greeks’ lives. These exciting stories explained natural phenomena that could not be explained by science in the ancient world.

3 Why Should We Study Greek Mythology?
The Ancient Greek culture has been kept alive by the oral and later written stories handed down through thousands of years. Modern plays, novels, television programs, movies and even advertisements refer to Greek gods, goddesses, heroes and their stories. Adventurous and exciting stories delight and entertain us.

4 Meet the Olympians

5 Zeus: King of the Gods Zeus was the god of the sky, lightning and thunder, weather, and Mount Olympus. Zeus was the ruler of the Olympians and the most powerful. Symbols: Eagle, shield, thunderbolt, oak tree Brother to Poseidon and Hades Married his sister Hera He fathered many children with various goddesses and mortal women.

6 Poseidon: God of the Sea
Poseidon was the god of the sea, earthquakes and horses. He was the second most powerful god. Symbols: Trident, horse, and bull. Brother to Zeus and Hades Poseidon married Thetis, a beautiful water nymph He fathered many children Something smells fishy: Poseidon had a beautiful palace of coral beneath the sea, but he was often found in the clouds of Olympus. Poseidon was an important God to the Greeks, because they relied on the sea for much of their welfare. It was Poseidon’s choice for the sea to be calm or enraged with a storm. Poseidon is also well known for giving man the horse. .

7 Hades: God of the Underworld
God of the Dead, Underworld, Greed, and Wealth Third most powerful god King of the dead but he is not Death Symbols: helmet that makes the wearer invisible, metals, and jewels Brother of Zeus and Poseidon Kidnapped and married Persephone

8 Hera: The Goddess of Marriage
Hera was the Queen of the Gods and married to Zeus She was the protector of marriage and the home. Symbols: Peacock (beauty) and cow She and Zeus were always quarreling and she was a jealous wife, who frequently outwitted her husband, Zeus. Her children are Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus and a daughter, Ilithyia.

9 Hestia: Goddess of the Hearth
Goddess of the hearth and home Zeus’ sister – Oldest of the original gods Symbol: Fire Gave up her spot on Mt. Olympus for Dionysus She was thought of as the kindest and mildest of the goddesses. She was of little mythological importance, appearing in only a few stories. Was worshipped daily by Greeks.

10 Demeter: Goddess of the Harvest
Goddess of growing things. Symbols: Grain She was the mother of Persephone, whose father was Zeus. Her daughter was kidnapped by Hades and taken to the Underworld for six months of the year causing the change of seasons. Each spring, Demeter would greet her daughter at the entrance from the underworld.

11 Ares: God of War God of War and Violence Symbols: Vulture and dog
Son of Zeus and Hera, but both hate him along with the other gods Greeks make him out to be a coward He was a ruthless and murderous god, who displayed the worst of humanity’s traits.

12 Hephaestus: God of the Forge
God of the Blacksmiths and was very important to the Greeks Symbols: Fire and the blacksmith hammer Family: He is the son of Hera and Zeus. He married Aphrodite at Zeus’s order. Hephaestus was very ugly and also had a lame leg which was caused when either Hera or Zeus threw him off Mt. Olympus during a quarrel. He fashioned the armor and tools of the gods on a broken mountain near Mount Olympus. He made beautiful jewelry for the goddesses.

13 Athena: Goddess of Wisdom
Goddess of Wisdom, War, and Arts and Crafts She was the best-loved goddess on Olympus. Symbols: The olive tree and owl Athens was named after this Goddess. She was in competition with Poseidon, her uncle, for claim of the city. Each presented the people with a gift and Athena gave the beautiful, practical gift of the olive tree. Needless to say, she won and Athens is hers. Family: She was born fully grown and in armor from her Zeus’ head. Athena never married and had no children.

14 Hermes: God of Sleep and Dreams
Hermes is the fastest god and was the winged messenger of Zeus, protector of travelers, and god of thieves. Symbols: Winged sandals and helmet, and wand (from Apollo). Family: Hermes is the son of Zeus One of Hermes chief duties was to guide people to the underworld. He was also a master thief and stole many of Apollo’s cows when only one day old! Hermes is the most popular god, appearing in more tales than any one else. He was a trickster.

15 Apollo: God of Light God of Light, Truth, Healing, Archery, and Music. He was the most handsome and most loved of all the gods. Symbols: Crow, dolphin, laurel tree, lyre Apollo is a prominent figure in the arts including poetry and music. His brother, Hermes gave him the golden lyre for which he used to entertain the other gods. Apollo never told a lie. Family: Apollo is Artemis’s twin brother and son of Zeus He drove his chariot across the sky to pull the sun each day.

16 Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt
Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, protector of children and animals. Symbols: Cypress tree, deer, and moon. Family: The Goddess is the twin sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus She was a huntress, who always carried a silver bow and arrows. She ruled over the wild places of the earth.

17 Aphrodite: Goddess of Love
Goddess of Love and Beauty Symbols: myrtle tree, dove, swan and sparrow Family: She is the daughter of Zeus. She married Hephaestus and Cupid is her son. Aphrodite’s beauty awe-struck all men, no matter how wise. Although often depicted in art for her beauty and charm, she was also known to be manipulative. The beautiful Goddess was covered in the jewels and crowns her husband made for her but Aphrodite was still rumored to have had an affair with her husband’s brother, Ares Because she was judged the most beautiful of all the goddesses on Mount Olympus by Paris, the other goddesses envied her.

18 Dionysus: God of Wine God of Wine and Fertility and worshipped with drama festivals. Symbol: the grape vine, wine, theater masks Family: The son of Zeus and is the youngest of the Gods Known for his gentleness he saved sailors from a watery death by turning them into dolphins. Much of the ancient world’s greatest poetry was created in his honor.

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