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Prayer Relating to God (Part 2) Delighting in Him

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1 Prayer Relating to God (Part 2) Delighting in Him
Adam Collett

2 SPRING TERM PLAN Thurs 7th Jan – Christ at the Centre: Obedience to Christ (Steve) Thurs 28th Jan – Witnessing – Relating to the Lost (Pieter) Thurs 11th Feb – Word of God: Relating to God 1 (S & S) Thurs 25th Feb – Prayer: Relating to God II (Adam) Thurs 10th Mar – Fellowship: Relating to the Body of Christ (Lydia) Thurs 17th Mar – Recapping the series / Easter Party (Steve) PRAYER - RELATING TO GOD PART 2

Purpose: To clarify the ‘motion’ of the Christian life; each part representing a key component of a vibrant Christian life… How we relate to ourselves (Christ at the centre/Obedience) How we relate to God (Bible/Prayer) How we relate to one another (Fellowship/Witnessing). PRAYER - RELATING TO GOD PART 2

The Volitional Dimension: How you relate to yourself The Hub is Christ at the Centre (2 Cor 5:17, Gal 2:20) The Rim is the Obedient Christian life (John 14:21, Rom 12:1) The Vertical Dimension: How you relate to God The Word Spoke (Joshua 1:8, 2 Tim 3:16) The Prayer Spoke (John 15:7, Phil 4:6-7) The Horizontal Dimension: How you relate to others The Witnessing Spoke (Matt 4:19, Rom 1:16) The Fellowship Spoke (Heb 10:24-25, Matt 18:20) PRAYER - RELATING TO GOD PART 2

5 WHAT IS PRAYER? Spend a few moments in groups thinking of an answer to the question above. Think of answers in the form: Prayer is … PRAYER - RELATING TO GOD PART 2

6 OUR REACTION TO PRAYER? Be honest, what is your initial reaction when someone asks you to pray? In front of a group When it’s unexpected When someone asks PRAYER - RELATING TO GOD PART 2

7 To motivate us to PRAY!! AIM OF THIS SESSION?

8 “The prayer of the upright is his delight.”
GOD DELIGHTS IN US… “The prayer of the upright is his delight.” Proverbs 15:8b (NKJV) PRAYER - RELATING TO GOD PART 2

“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 (NIV) PRAYER - RELATING TO GOD PART 2

10 QUESTIONS: What do you do to feel God’s pleasure?
How do you delight in God in Prayer? What does that look like? PRAYER - RELATING TO GOD PART 2

Listen to Mark 14:3-9. In the story a woman anoints Jesus with an expensive jar of perfume. Enter into the story. Imagine you’re there taking part in events, what is happening around you? Withdraw alone to spend time sitting still with Jesus, enjoying being in His presence Hear Jesus ask you “What do you want me to do for you?” Tell Him what is on your heart. What do you want Him to know about your life at this present moment? Ask Him “What you do you want me to do for you?” Listen for His Response. What is He saying to you? PRAYER - RELATING TO GOD PART 2

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