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Water Cycle and Cloud Formation

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1 Water Cycle and Cloud Formation

2 B E C F A D

3 Evaporation The process by which liquid water enters the atmosphere as water vapor

4 Condensation Click the clouds The process that changes water vapor back to liquid water or ice crystals. This process in involved in cloud formation. As the water vapor rises the air becomes colder and it collects around dust particles to form clouds. What is Dew? Why is it colder ? <a href=" src=" alt="Met Office guide to cloud types and pronunciations"/></a><br/>Source: <a href="

5 Precipitation rain, sleet, hail, snow and other forms of water falling from the sky

6 Plants give off oxygen, they also give off water vapor in a process called:

7 Humidity Is the amount of water vapor is in the air.
Relative Humidity is the water vapor the air can hold at a given temperature.

8 The sun’s radiation begins the Water Cycle.

9 Dew happens when the air is warmer than the ground
Dew happens when the air is warmer than the ground. the water vapor will turn back to water when it comes into contact with the grass and other things Dew Point is the temperature at which the air can no longer hold all of its water vapor, and some of the water vapor must condense into liquid water.

10 Cirrus Clouds Are Wispy, feathery clouds made mostly of ice-crystals.
They form at high altitudes at above 6 km. They indicate a change in weather.

11 Stratus Clouds Form in flat layers and usually cover most of the sky.
Fog is a stratus cloud. Indicate drizzle, rain or snow.

12 Cumulus Clouds White, fluffy clouds with gray flat bottoms.
They form less than 2 km above the ground. They indicate fair weather.

13 Cumulonimbus Nimbus means rain Large clouds with dark bases
Tall billowing towers Thunder heads, storm clouds. Indicates storms, heavy rain, lightning, thunder, hail, and sometimes tornadoes

14 Celsius Fahrenheit Temperature measurement used by scientist.
1000C – Boiling 00C - Freezing Celsius Temperature measurement used in the United States. 2120F – Boiling 320C - Freezing Fahrenheit

15 Game =

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