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Why they aren't really random

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Presentation on theme: "Why they aren't really random"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why they aren't really random
Random Numbers Why they aren't really random

2 Why Random? Obvious uses Less obvious Games Simulations
Cryptography – shared secret

3 Pseudo Random Numbers Recipe: Start with number
Apply random looking math transformation eg : (num * 1009) % 100 12 8 72 48 32 88 92 28 52 68

4 C++ Random Need C standard library: #include <cstdlib>
rand(): returns value between 0 and RAND_MAX RAND_MAX defined by library, usually ~32000

5 Seed Seed : starting value Same seed = same sequence 12 8 72 48 32 88
92 28 52 68 12 8 72 48 32 88 92 28 52 68 12 8 72 48 32 88 92 28 52 68

6 Random Seed srand(num):
seeds random generator with integer value num Reproducible random : seed with constant srand(12);

7 Random Seed Random sequence requires random seed Sources: System clock
Human input Special device Lavarand Radio noise Special hardware

8 Time From ctime library: #include <ctime>
time(0) returns seconds since Jan 1, 1970

9 Random Seed srand(num):
seeds random generator with integer value num Reproducible random : seed with constant srand(12); Less predictable random : seed with time srand(time(0));

10 C++ Random Range Use % to control range:
0 to 9: int num = rand() % 10; 0 to 29: int num = rand() % 30;

11 C++ Random Range Range Minimum Use + NUM for lower bound
1 to 6: int num = rand() % 6 + 1; 100 to 250: int num = rand() % ; Range Minimum

12 C++ Random Other Random double Divide by max size
Watch out for int division double r = static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;

13 Theoretical Notes Cycles appear when we hit repeat values
Use prime numbers Use larger range of values than you really need 12 8 72 48 32 88 92 28 52 68

14 Bad Tendencies Bad recipes may Cycle easily
Favor part of the number space Show patterns High always followed by low

15 C++ Random Numbers Aren't Good
Algorithm is weak Poor distribution Limited range Serious about randomness? Use an add on library

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