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Mrs. Andres’ Weekly Classroom News September 28, 2017

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1 Mrs. Andres’ Weekly Classroom News September 28, 2017
A.R. is going well for most of the children. Some are not reading at home and do not have many points. Please help them meet their goal. There will be prizes for meeting goals and I really don’t want to have to tell a child that he/she can’t get the prize. All students have an A.R. goal of 10 points the first 9 weeks. There will be a Bullying Prevention meeting at the Old West Laurens High School on October 17th at 6:00 p.m. Our school will also have a Bullying Prevention Assembly for students that same day. Spelling City is up and running. Please allow your child to use this resource to help with studying spelling words. Reading: Story Element Review week Language Arts: Exclamatory sentences; Narratives Math: Addition Social Studies: Map Skills Spelling words, vocabulary words, sight words, and a fluency passage will go home every Monday. Our class website can be found at: Mission Statement: Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships…every teacher, every student, every day. A.R. cut off date… last day to earn points for this 9 weeks. School Holiday Teacher In-service Day A.R. Awards and Attendance Awards given PTO Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Good Behavior Ball Fundraiser Pick Up 3:10-6:00 Report Cards Go home/Library Night/Title 1 Mtg ELP Fall Festival 5:00-6:00

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