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Controlling Microbial Growth in the Body: Antimicrobial Drugs

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1 Controlling Microbial Growth in the Body: Antimicrobial Drugs
Chapter 10 Controlling Microbial Growth in the Body: Antimicrobial Drugs

2 Antimicrobial Drugs “One day we could not save lives, or hardly any lives; on the very next day we could do so across a wide spectrum of diseases. This was an awesome acquisition of power…” Walsh McDermott, M.D. Selective toxicity Kills bacteria without harming host Most antibiotics made by Bacillus Streptomyces Penicillium Cephalosporium

3 Antimicrobial Drugs Chemotherapeutic drugs Antimicrobial drugs
Drugs that act against diseases Antimicrobial drugs Drugs that treat infectious diseases Antibiotic Chemical produced naturally by a microbe that inhibits or kills another microbe Semi-synthetic antibiotics Modified antibiotics to enhance effectiveness Synthetic drugs – Antimicrobial drugs that are completely manmade

4 Table 10.1

5 List of Antibiotics Generic Name/Brand Names
Common Uses/ Possible side Effects Mechanisms of Action List of antibiotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

6 Principle of Selective Toxicity
Antimicrobial agent must be more toxic to pathogen than to host Based on differences in structure & metabolism between pathogen & host Many differences = many options i.e. bacteria vs. eukaryotic hosts Fewer differences = fewer options, i.e. fungi, protozoa & helminths vs eukaryotic hosts Fewest options = Viruses inside host cell

7 Principle of Selective Toxicity
Ideal antimicrobial drug A drug that kills harmful microbes without damaging the host Reality A drug that is more toxic to microbes than the host; try to limit “side effects” of drug Therapeutic Index Measurement of drug toxicity Ratio of toxic dose to the therapeutic dose Toxic dose = Therapeutic Index Therapeutic dose

8 Range of activity of a drug against microbes
Spectrum of Activity Range of activity of a drug against microbes Narrow spectrum Effective against EITHER gram positive OR gram negative microbes Extended spectrum Beyond original spectrum Broad spectrum Effective against a variety of microbes Long term use may cause “superinfections”

9 Spectrum of Activity

10 Mechanisms of Action of Antimicrobial Agents
Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibition of Protein Synthesis Injury to Cell Membrane Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis Inhibition of Metabolic Pathways Pearson Animation – Chemotherapeutic Agents Modes of Action

11 Mechanisms of Action of Antimicrobial Agents

12 1. Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis
Antimicrobial drugs block formation of peptidoglycan causing cell lysis Has no effect on existing peptidoglycan –only works on actively reproducing cells

13 1. Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis
Beta-lactams (penicillin & cephalosporin) irreversibly bind to enzymes that cross-link NAG-NAM subunits Vancomycin & cycloserine – interfere with alanine-alanine bridges that link NAM subunits Bacitracin Block secretion of NAG & NAM subunits

14 1. Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis
“Beta Lactam” antimicrobial drugs have a beta lactam ring in the structure Penicillins and Cephalosporin are the most common beta lactam antimicrobial drugs

15 1. Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis
Semisynthetic beta lactam drugs use beta-lactam ring and added side chains provide a broader spectrum of activity and greater resistance to beta-lactamase Oxacillin, Methicillin (MRSA) Ampicillin, Amoxacillin, Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin Augmentin, Timentin Primaxin (imipenem + cilastin) Aztreonam

16 Beta Lactam Antibiotic: Penicillins
Figure 20.6

17 1. Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis
Bacitracin- Topical application (triple antibiotic ointment) Narrow spectrum - gram-positive bacteria Vancomycin- Narrow spectrum – gram positive bacteria Important "last line" against antibiotic resistant S. aureus (MRSA) Toxicity – auditory nerve, kidneys Streptogramins - effective against VRE and VRSA

18 1. Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis
Isoniazid (INH) – blocks gene for enzyme in mycolic acid synthesis effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis toxic to liver Ethambutol – prevents formation of mycolic acid used in combination with other antimycobacterial drugs

19 2. Inhibition of Protein Synthesis

20 2. Inhibition of Protein Synthesis
Aminoglycosides - Streptomycin, Neomycin, Gentamicin, Tobramycin broad spectrum – G+ & G- toxic to kidneys, auditory nerves (deafness) targets 30S subunit; change shape so cannot read codon correctly

21 2. Inhibition of Protein Synthesis
Tetracycline & Doxycycline – Broad spectrum– G+, G-, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, rickettsias Adverse Effects – binds to Ca+, teeth, bones, light sensitivity Target – tRNA docking site

22 Tetracycline & Doxycycline
Tetracycline causes brown band in developing teeth

23 2. Inhibition of Protein Synthesis
Chlorampenicol – Broad spectrum but rarely used except for typhoid fever Adverse Effects – aplastic anemia in 1/24,000; neurological damage Targets 50S subunit; blocks enzymatic activity

24 2. Inhibition of Protein Synthesis
Macrolides – Erythromycin Alternative to penicillin- if penicillin allergy Broad spectrum–G+ & a few G-; Mycoplasma Zpak – azithromycin Prevent newborn eye infections Target – 50S subunit; block movement of mRNA

25 2. Inhibition of Protein Synthesis
Streptogramins Synercid Effective against Gram-positives Answer to VRE and VRSA Oxazolidinones Linezolid Treatment for MRSA and VRE

26 3. Injury to the Plasma Membrane
Polymyxin B Effective against Gram negatives, especially Pseudomonas Toxic to human kidneys Topical – Combined with bacitracin and neomycin in over-the-counter preparation Antifungal drugs: Amphotericin B (polyene) attaches to ergosterol found in fungal membranes Azoles inhibit ergosterol synthesis

27 3. Injury to the Plasma Membrane

28 4. Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis
Antimicrobial drugs often affect prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA due to similar DNA Antimicrobial drugs (nucleotide analogs) interfere with function of nucleic acids Most often used against viruses Viral DNA polymerases more likely to incorporate and synthesize viral nucleic acid more rapidly than host cells

29 4. Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis
Nucleotide analogs Figure 10.7

30 4. Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis
Rifampin Inhibits mRNA synthesis Effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Causes orange-red body fluids Quinolones and fluoroquinolones Ciprofloxacin, Nalidixic acid Inhibits prokaryotic DNA gyrase Urinary tract infections, Anthrax (bioterrorism)

31 5. Inhibition of Metabolic Pathways
Use differences between metabolic processes of pathogen and host Quinines interfere with the metabolism of malaria parasites Heavy metals inactivate enzymes Zinc: (Zicam) block attachment of viruses

32 5. Inhibition of Metabolic Pathways
Sulfonamides (Sulfa drugs) Broad spectrum G+, G-, protozoa, fungi; lots of resistance Rare allergic reactions, anemia, jaundice, mental retardation of fetus if given in last trimester Urinary tract infections

33 5. Inhibition of Metabolic Pathways
Sulfonamides (Sulfa drugs) Competitive enzyme inhibitor Inhibit production of folic acid Similar structure to PABA - required for nucleotide synthesis

34 PABA and Sulfonamides Figure 10.6a

35 Sulfa + Trimethoprim = SXT, Bactrim
Figure 20.13

36 Effects of Combinations of Drugs
Synergism occurs when the effect of two drugs together is greater than the effect of either alone. (sulfa + trimethoprim) Antagonism occurs when the effect of two drugs together is less than the effect of either alone. (penicillin + tetracycline)

37 Safety and side effects of antibiotics
Toxicity Kidneys, liver or nerves (polymyxin & aminoglycosides Fetus (tetracycline) Allergies – mild to severe anaphylactic shock by penicillin ingestion Disruption of Normal Microbiota GI tract – causes diarrhea Superinfections – by opportunistic pathogens like Candida albicans and Clostridium difficile


39 Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria

40 Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics
Some bacteria are Naturally resistant Do not have the target site of the antibiotic Bacteria can Acquire resistance New mutations of chromosomal genes Acquire R-plasmids through recombination Pearson Animation: Antimicrobial Resistance- Origins Figure Overview

41 Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics
MDR (multiple drug-resistance) – Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium, Plasmodium Called superbugs Usually resistant to 2-3 drugs Common when R-plasmids are exchanged Cross resistance – resistance to one drug may confer resistance to another usually when antimicrobial drug is similar in structure

42 Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics
Bacteria acquire mechanisms of drug resistance in several ways: 1. Produce enzymes that destroy drug Decrease entry of drug in to cell Pump drug out of cell before it can act 4. Alter target site of drug Change metabolic pathway Pearson Animation: Antimicrobial Resistance: Forms

43 Mechanism of Bacterial Resistance: 1
Mechanism of Bacterial Resistance: 1. Produce Enzymes that Destroy Drugs Beta lactamase - Penicillinase – Produced by bacteria which deactivates penicillin Extended-Spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) ESBLs are capable of hydrolyzing: Semisynthetic penicillins and cephalosporins Beta-lactamase inhibitors (e.g. clavulanic acid) generally inhibit ESBL producing strains.

44 Mechanism of Bacterial Resistance: 1
Mechanism of Bacterial Resistance: 1. Produce Enzymes that Destroy Drugs Penicillinase – Inhibits Beta lactam antibiotics Figure 20.8

45 Mechanism of Bacterial Resistance:
2. Decrease entry of drug in to cell 3. Pump drug out of cell before it can act by efflux pumps

46 Mechanism of Bacterial Resistance: 4. Alteration of metabolic pathway
Some sulfonamide-resistant bacteria do not require PABA an important precursor for the synthesis of folic acids and nucleic acids in bacteria inhibited by sulfonamides. Instead, like mammalian cells, sulfonamide-resistant bacteria utilize preformed folic acid.

47 Mechanism of Bacterial Resistance: 4. Alteration of target site
Alteration of PBP (Penicillin Binding Protein)—the binding target site of penicillins Mechanisms of quinolone resistance: Produce proteins that can Bind to DNA gyrase Mutations in DNA gyrase – decrease their binding affinity to quinolones (decrease the drug's effectiveness)

48 Common Misconceptions about antibiotics
People are (or become) resistant to antibiotics Antibiotics cause mutations to make the bacteria resistant Bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics are stronger than sensitive bacteria

49 Drug Resistance Poor Countries Can’t afford full course of medicines
Drugs don’t require prescriptions Counterfeit drugs Gentamicin: Works on Pseudomonas

50 Drug Resistance Wealthy Countries
Overuse – in many products like lotion, shampoo, soap, toys, socks, etc. Over-prescribed Patients demand when not needed Prescriptions taken incorrectly Gentamicin: Works on Pseudomonas

51 Drug Resistance 50% of antibiotics used in U.S. are for food animals – 90% used to prevent disease before it occurs Thousands of pounds sprayed on fruit trees Fed probiotics of bacteria with R-plasmids Gentamicin: Works on Pseudomonas


53 Slow the Rate of Resistance
Limit use of antimicrobials Only prescribe to necessary cases Complete the prescribed regimen Toss outdated antibiotics; Do not use others’ drugs High concentrations of drug Maintain in patient for long enough time to kill all sensitive cells and inhibit others long enough for immune system to destroy Use antimicrobial agents in combination Synergism vs. antagonism Development of new variations of drugs Second-generation & Third-generation drugs

54 New Antibiotics Most antibiotics are developed by pharmaceutical companies. 8-10 years & $800 million to $1.7 billion to develop a new antibiotic, only to lose it to resistance. More profitable to make antidepressants and drugs for chronic diseases.

55 According to WHO Patients with infections caused by drug-resistant bacteria at increased risk of worse clinical outcomes and death consume more health-care resources than patients infected with the same bacteria that are not resistant Treatment failures due to resistance to treatments of last resort for gonorrhoea (third-generation cephalosporins) have been reported from 10 countries. Gonorrhoea may soon become untreatable as no vaccines or new drugs are in development.

56 According to WHO In 2012, gradual increase in resistance to HIV drugs
-further increases in resistance to first-line treatment drugs were reported, which might require using more expensive drugs in the near future In 2013, there were about new cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) . Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) has been identified in 100 countries. MDR-TB requires treatment courses that are much longer and less effective than those for non-resistant TB.

57 Antibiotic Resistance
“It’s a very real possibility that today’s antibiotics will be rendered useless in 10 to 15 years. We must face the reality of a worldwide problem of ineffective antibiotics.” Nils Daulaire President of the Global Health Council June

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