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2 BASIC 3 POINT LIGHTING Lighting used to light the talent.
Consists of 3 Lights: Key Light Fill Light Back or Rim Light

3 Key Light Key Light is main light in front of the talent.
But, placed to one side of the talent so that this side is well lit and the other side has some shadow. Usually the strongest and has the most influence on the look of the scene.

4 Fill Light This is the secondary light and is placed on the opposite side of the key light. It is used to fill the shadows created by the key. Fill light should be about half the intensity (softer) of the key light, to emphasize facial dimension. To achieve this, you could move the light further away.

5 Back Light Back light is placed behind the subject and lights it from the rear. Rather than providing direct lighting (like the key and fill), its purpose is to provide definition and subtle highlights around the subject's outlines. Helps separate subject from the background and provide a three- dimensional look.

6 Studio Lights Most versatile light in our collection here in the TV studio is going to be the Halogen studio lamps, or Redheads. Lighting grid is populated by 2 types of lights predominantly, the Fresnel and the Shakespeare. They have two very different characteristics and create very different looking properties of light. There are certainly pros and cons for each light depending on the situation.

7 Red Heads Used for lighting talent (3 Point Lighting).
General purpose lamp used in the film and television industry for the grunt work lighting in most shots. T erm generally applies to lights with power between watts. While shooting your footage, these lights will be the ones you want to reposition and adjust shot to shot. The wheels and easy extension of the stands makes this much more preferable to adjusting any hanging lighting.

8 FRESNEL Light mainly responsible for lighting the green screen is the Fresnel (pronounced “fur-nell”) light. Some light spread control, but it’s very limited. Lever on the back can tighten or spread the light emitted, there is no other control over the light. The lens, invented by Augustin-Jean Fresnel, is designed to evenly spread the light, and eliminate the odd distribution that you might seen through an ordinary flash- light lens. This characteristic makes it ideal for lighting the back of our green screen.

9 Shakespeare Also called the ellipsoidal.
Produces a powerful beam of light to a maximum of 750 Watts. Shakespeares can be focussed, softened, and cropped to service many different applications. All of this flexibility comes from having an extendible barrel and a focussing lens within that barrel. These lights are at the back of the studio, and are used to light the actor.


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