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What is happening in this source?

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Presentation on theme: "What is happening in this source?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is happening in this source?
Joseph Smiths death: Smith was the mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois, and running for President of the United States.

2 Who is this man?

3 Why Was Brigham Young So Important?
To be able to explain Brigham Young’s role in guiding the Mormons out of the East and to a safe haven where they could build a holy city.


5 What was the Mormon’s first impressions of the Great Salt Lake?
‘For Heaven’s sake don’t stop in this God forsaken land. Nobody on earth wants it. Come to California, to a land of sunshine and flowers’ - Sam Bannan, 1847

6 - Young’s sister-in-law, Harriet, 1847
“My feelings were such as I could not describe. Everything looked gloomy and I felt heart sick. Weak and weary as I am, I would rather go a thousand miles farther than remain in such a desolate and forsaken spot as this” - Young’s sister-in-law, Harriet, 1847

7 How did Young and the Mormons get to Salt Lake City?
Transporting 15,000 inexperienced people across the great plains - Pioneer groups – paved rest stops - split into bands with captains Providing enough food and rest - rest stops - some Mormons would stay and plant crops for the next band Built the winter quarters

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