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Securing Success J Mackay (Head of Year 10) – where to go for support in Year mins: M Warner (Deputy Head) – our role in your child’s success. 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Securing Success J Mackay (Head of Year 10) – where to go for support in Year mins: M Warner (Deputy Head) – our role in your child’s success. 15."— Presentation transcript:


2 Securing Success J Mackay (Head of Year 10) – where to go for support in Year 10. 10 mins: M Warner (Deputy Head) – our role in your child’s success. 15 mins: English demystified (S J Davies). 15 mins: Science demystified (J Hall). 15 mins: Maths demystified (R Strong). Questions…

3 Examinations: Context
We’ve just had some of the best results in the city (GCSE 2017) You’ve had more time in your subjects (your GCSEs started in yr9) We now have additional time to study core subjects (an extra lesson in Eng and Maths & in yr11 a lesson 6 in Science) We have specialist teachers in all areas (the potential for your success is huge) Many exams are now linear (lots of knowledge to learn for one BIG day)


5 “The parental effect on test results is around five times more powerful than the influence of pupils’ schooling.” (Royal Economic Society)

6 Failing to PLAN is planning to FAIL!
Where are you at now? How did Year 9 go? Have you identified gaps in understanding? Do you know how to improve grades? When was your last conversation with a teacher about progress? You know that every lesson counts!





11 Wellbeing Success will only come more readily if your child is well & happy… Physical: Eating, drinking water, sleeping Emotional: Reassurance about exam nerves & pressure; keep communication open; your child will read your concerns Support is available if you have concerns.


13 Revision Tips Draw up a revision timetable & STICK to it
Mix up subject revision 20-30 min study sessions max Small rewards & breaks Test and test: recall again, and again. Mind mapping Use of colour Flash cards & post-its

14 Latest research: quizzing
Specific Frequent Repetitive Measureable Making Good Progress? By Daisy Christodoulou 2017

15 Y10 History: Short answer revision tests will be a regular homework. Students are will be directed to specific revision materials on the shared area, upon which all of these tests will be based. If students do not get at least 50% on a test, home is contacted and they have to repeat it after school until they get above 50%. The exam content of GCSE History is now effectively doubled from the old GCSE so if students do not regularly revise effectively through Y10-11 they will really struggle.

16 After-school sessions…
Add list…

17 How can you help your Year 11 child?
Covert Providing space and time to revise Talk to your family Encouragement/reassurance (nag?) Making sure there is downtime or time to relax Helping fit revision into family time-table Cut them some slack Be watchful

18 How can you help your Year 11 child?
Overt How do you fit into their revision timetable? Listen to and test revision Post it notes around the house Purchase revision equipment Regular check-ins

19 Further resources… BBC Bitesize Mind Set: Weekly exam papers School portal????


21 Revision Tips The play Macbeth becomes… Selected text becomes…
Selected quotations …. Becomes images to aid memory ..(show images) Kid President film clip – pep talk to teachers and students .

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