The Crucible Question 4: Choose a play in which an important theme is effectively highlighted by a specific scene or incident.

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1 The Crucible Question 4: Choose a play in which an important theme is effectively highlighted by a specific scene or incident.

2 Introduction What to include: Name play and author Setting
Brief plot of play, as appropriate – act 4, brief descrippa Central themes of play – reputation, integrity REFER TO THE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh hey town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 Intro, in a bit of detail i.e. our e.g. etc.
‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller set in Salem, ‘Massa’ – 1692 is a work in which the themes of reputation and integrity are efficaciously portrayed through the events of the fourth act. In previous acts our protagonist John Proctor (JP ma dog) commits adultery with the corrupt Abigail. A witch hunt ensues and climaxes in the fourth act as Proctor is exposed as a ‘lecher’, he is faced with the dilemma of retaining his immaculate reputation or falsely confessing to consorting with the devil.

4 Accurately PEEpee’ing
Heads or tails

5 Quoteo numero uno/wan/burberry cap
Proctor’s dilemma in the fourth act is that he can confess and keep his life but ruin his seemingly flawless reputation and lose his self respect. The alternative is death so at first he confesses: “I think it is honest, I think so, I am no saint” He confesses at first because he does not believe that he deserves a saintly or highly honourable death as he knows he has sinned. He is a reluctant hero and does not want to compare himself to Rebecca Nurse who was a true a saint.

6 I have given you my soul; leave me my name”
Quote 2 Proctor changes his mind and decides against signing the confession as this will make it more credible that he was in league with the devil. He feels he is signing away his ‘sense of himself’; as Arthur Miller once described his own situation during his incarceration due to McCarthyism: “How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name” His name is more important than his soul because it represents his very identity. A false confession may have saved his life but would leave him with no self respect, and for the proud John Proctor this would be an impossible existence.

7 Quote three: Jp’s final decision was to salvage his dignity by resigning himself to his fate on the gallows. From the pressure of the corrupted court room comes something pure:

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