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Basic Computer Skills Standard11.3

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2 Basic Computer Skills Standard11.3

3 Computer Basics Concepts and Terminology
The Monitor: The Mouse: Left Mouse Button Right or ALT Mouse Button Scroll wheel


5 Storage Media Hard drive External hard drive USB flash CD/CDRW

6 Functionalities of a Computer
Takes data as input. Stores the data/instructions in its memory and uses them when required. Processes the data and converts it into useful information. Generates the output. Input Process Output

7 Simple Solutions to Common Problems
Computer will not turn on: Check Power Make sure the computer is plugged in to a working outlet. If plugged in to a surge protector, verify that it is turned on. If using a laptop, the battery may not be charged. Application is running slowly. Close and reopen application. Update the application. Application is frozen. Force quit the application. Restart the computer. All programs on the computer run slowly. Run a virus scanner. Delete files or programs not being used.

8 File Organization Levels Drive – physical place to store files.
Floppy disk, hard drive Folder – electronic place to store files. Folder for files of an application program Folder for all letters related to a project File – collection of computer data with a common purpose. Document, pictures, music

9 Working with Folders Folders are electronic locations to store groups of related files. Windows XP automatically creates a My Documents folder. Window Vista automatically creates a Documents folder.

10 Naming Files and Folders
Use meaningful, easily recognizable file and folder names. 2016-budget-proposal.xls.xlsx ABC-Conference-May16.dox Map-and-directions.pdf

11 Organizing Files and Folders
Group files and folders – according to a theme. Project or subject Person or department Year File type Name each group – with a meaningful title. Create and delete folders – when not used or necessary. Move files and folders – to respective groups.

12 Word Processing Advantages
Saves time. Creates professional looking documents. Ability to share text and documents among multiple users.

13 Spreadsheet Features and Capabilities
Spreadsheets are also called worksheets. Calculate and manipulate stored numbers by using multiple formulas. Automatic recalculation. Copying of cells. Place information in column-row formats for easy reading and interpretation. Create graphs that correspond to data.

14 Advantages of Spreadsheets
Saves time. Can create charts and graphs. Can be used for billing and coding.

15 Database Application A database application is a computer program whose primary purpose is entering and retrieving information from a computerized database. Allow users to store, organize, and manipulate information, including text and numerical data. Allows the user to locate information through key word searches. Allows changes to information. Sorts information alphabetically or numerically. Ability to merge with word processing documents.

16 Types of Database Programs
Single application: dBase, Microsoft Word Integrated package: ClarisWorks, Microsoft Works Database software: dBase, Microsoft Works Prepared database: ERIC on Disc or online Flat filing system: ClarisWorks, Microsoft Works Relational filing system: dBase, Fox Pro, Oracle Non-programmable systems: ClarisWorks, Microsoft Works Programmable DBMS systems: dBase, Fox Pro, Oracle

17 Advantages of Databases
Reduces data redundancy and error. Saves time locating and/or updating information. Allows comparisons of information through queries. Rapid information retrieval.

18 Evaluating the Validity of Web-Based Resources
Authority – reliability and credibility of the source. Examine the Domain – edu, gov, org, mil, com, info, net, int. A tilde after a domain type usually indicates a personal webpage and not an official part of that organization’s site. Currency – how current is the information. Examine the date: date of information, date of publication, and date of last revision or update. Accuracy – the reliability of the information. Dependable, error-free, documented, accurate, comprehensive, understandable. Objectivity – the purpose of the site, evidence of bias or prejudice, and facts vs. opinion. Usability – Friendliness and how easily the site allows information to be retrieved. Appropriateness – purpose of the site will help determine the appropriateness for use.

19 Appropriate Usage of Email and Social Media in a Work Environment
Company time is for company business – follow employer policy for personal and social media use. Keep separate personal and professional social media accounts. Think before you post. If sharing links with colleagues, be sure the sites are reputable and reflect well on the company. Do not post pictures or any information about patients…EVER!

20 Potential Consequences of Inappropriate Use
Damage to professional image. Breach of patient privacy. HIPAA and HITECH Violation of the patient – healthcare provider boundary. Licensing issues. Legal issues.

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