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Android Programming Lecture 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Android Programming Lecture 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Android Programming Lecture 3

2 To add two numbers Place Textfield – Number field
Select EditText , set the property hint PlainTextView from Widget : To display message. Place the button from the widget

3 Button Click function Take from Java folder.
Write down a public function for button click . Public onButtonClick(View v) //Alt + Enter to import the class. { EditText e1=(EditText)findViewById(;

4 EditText e2=(EditText)findViewById(R. id
EditText e2=(EditText)findViewById(;//Instance TextView t1=(TextView)findViewById(; int n1=Integer.parseInt(e1.getText.toString());

5 int n2=Integer.parseInt(e2.getText.toString());
int sum=n1+n2; T1.setText(Integer.toString(sum)); }

6 To invoke the function in the button click.
Take the Button Property ,onClick(), Select the method from the combobox.

7 To invoke the function in the button click.
Take the Button Property ,onClick(), Select the method from the combobox.

8 Home Work Perform Subtraction,multiplication and division operation.

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