NFHS Penalty Summary Created by Garry Mosier

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Presentation on theme: "NFHS Penalty Summary Created by Garry Mosier"— Presentation transcript:

1 NFHS Penalty Summary Created by Garry Mosier
Revised 6/27/17

2 Sideline Warning (First offense)

3 Delay of Game Loss of 5 Yards d; 6-5-5 +

4 Failure to Properly Wear Mandatory Player Equipment Just Before Snap
Loss of 5 Yards d + +

5 Illegal Substitution Loss of 5 Yards 3-7

6 Free Kick Infraction Loss of 5 Yards , (Pop-up kick new) +

7 Encroachment Loss of 5 Yards ; 7-1-1,5,6 +

8 Free Kick Out of Bounds Loss of 5 Yards

9 Invalid or Illegal Fair Catch Signal
Loss of 5 Yards ,8

10 Snap Infraction Loss of 5 Yards ,3 +

11 False Start Loss of 5 Yards +

12 Illegal Formation Loss of 5 Yards ,2,3

13 Less than 7 Players on A’s Line or Numbering Violation
Loss of 5 Yards

14 Illegal Shift or Illegal Motion
Loss of 5 Yards ,7

15 Planned Loose Ball Infraction
Loss of 5 Yards

16 Illegally Handing Ball forward (also Loss of Down)
Loss of 5 Yards ,3 +

17 Illegal Forward Pass (By A is Also Loss of Down)
Loss of 5 Yards +

18 Illegal Forward Pass (by B)
Loss of 5 Yards

19 Intentional Grounding (Also Loss of Down)
Loss of 5 Yards c, d +

20 Ineligible Receiver Illegally Downfield
Loss of 5 Yards

21 Illegal Touching (Also Loss of Down)
Loss of 5 Yards +

22 Helping Runner Loss of 5 Yards 9-1

23 Incidental Grasping an Opponent’s Face Mask (or any Helmet Opening, Chin Strap or Attached Tooth & Mouth Protector) Loss of 5 Yards

24 Running into Kicker/Holder
Loss of 5 Yards

25 Sideline Interference
Loss of 5 Yards k +

26 Failure to Properly Wear Mandatory Player Equipment During the Down
Loss of 5 Yards 9-9 +

27 Attendant Illegally on Field
Loss of 5 Yards

28 Nonplayer Outside of the Team Box, But Not on Field
Loss of 5 Yards +

29 Illegal Blocking Technique
Loss of 10 Yards a; 9-2-3a

30 Interlocked Blocking Loss of 10 Yards b

31 Holding Loss of 10 Yards c; 9-2-3c, e

32 Runner Grasping Teammate
Loss of 10 Yards 9-2-2

33 Illegal Use of Hands or Arms
Loss of 10 Yards 9-2-1a, 9-2-2, 9-2-3a,b,d

34 Illegal Block in the Back
Loss of 10 Yards 9-3-5

35 Illegal Block on Free Kicks
Loss of 10 Yards 9-3-8

36 Unsportsmanlike Conduct by Player or Nonplayer
Loss of 15 Yards 1-5-2,3,5, 9-5, 9-8-1

37 Contact against a defenseless player
Loss of 15 Yards , 9-4-3i(3)

38 Illegal Kicking or Batting Ball
Loss of 15 Yards , 9-7

39 Illegal block after valid or invalid fair-catch signal
Loss of 15 Yards , 9-3-3

40 Kick-catching interference
Loss of 15 Yards 6-5-6

41 Forward Pass Interference (If Intentional an Additional 15 Yards (signal 27))
Loss of 15 Yards +

42 Illegal Block Below Waist
Loss of 15 Yards

43 Illegal Block or on Free kicker or Holder
Loss of 15 Yards

44 Clipping Loss of 15 Yards 9-3-6

45 Chop Block Loss of 15 Yards

46 Tripping Loss of 15 Yards 9-3-7

47 Illegal Personal Contact Outside Restricted Area
Loss of 15 Yards

48 Charging Into an Opponent Obviously Out of the Play
Loss of 15 Yards

49 Grasping of an Opponent’s Face Mask (or Any Helmet Opening, Chin Strap or Attached Tooth & Mouth Protector) Loss of 15 Yards +

50 Hurdle an Opponent Loss of 15 Yards 9-4-3d

51 Butt Block, Face Tackle or Spear; (Illegal Helmet Contact)
Loss of 15 Yards i

52 Horse-collar Loss of 15 Yards +

53 Initiate Contact With a Helmet-less Opponent
Loss of 15 Yards 9-4-3

54 Targeting an Opponent Loss of 15 Yards m +

55 Illegal blindside block (New)
Loss of 15 Yards 9-4-3n

56 Roughing the Passer (Also First Down)
Loss of 15 Yards 9-4-4 +

57 Roughing Kicker or Holder (Also First Down)
Loss of 15 Yards + +

58 Roughing Snapper (Also First Down)
Loss of 15 Yards +

59 Slapping Blocker’s Head
Loss of 15 Yards 9-4-7

60 Illegal Personal Contact in Restricted Area
Loss of 15 Yards +

61 Illegal Participation
Loss of 15 Yards 9-6

62 Participating Without a Helmet Beyond Immediate Action
Loss of 15 Yards 9-6-4

63 Sideline Interference (Third & Subsequent)
Loss of 15 Yards k, 3 + +

64 Nonplayer Illegally on Field
Loss of 15 Yards

65 Unfair Acts Loss of 15 Yards 9-10

66 Fighting by Player or Nonplayer (Plus DQ)
Loss of 15 Yards +

67 Intentionally Contacting a Game Official (Plus DQ)
Loss of 15 Yards +

68 Striking, Kicking, or Kneeing (Plus DQ)
Loss of 15 Yards 9-4-3 +

69 Any Act if Unduly Rough or Flagrant (Give Proper Signal & Follow with DQ)
Loss of 15 Yards 9-4

70 A Second UNS Foul by a Player or Nonplayer (Plus DQ)
Loss of 15 Yards 9-5,8 +

71 A Substitute Leaving Team Box During a Fight (Plus DQ)
Loss of 15 Yards +

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