Lutetia Flyby Rosetta Radio Science Investigations RSI

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1 Lutetia Flyby Rosetta Radio Science Investigations RSI
Martin Pätzold (1), Tom Andert (2) (1) RIU, Abt. Planetenforschung, Cologne (2) UniBw München SWT, ESTEC 12th June 2009

2 mass determination at flybys
Two-way radio carrier link at two frequencies (X & S-bands) Gravity attraction from the asteroid perturbs the spacecraft trajectory => perturbed s/c velocity velocity components are projected into the LOS to Earth => Doppler shift of radio carrier frequency Perturbed velocity components => perturbed Doppler shift Perturbing force extracted by substracting predicted Doppler shift (from extrapolated unperturbed trajectory) from observed Doppler shift => Doppler frequency residuals

3 geometry

4 mass determination at flybys
Velocity component along LOS depend on the angle between the direction of flyby velocity and the direction of LOS

5 mass determination at flybys
Velocity component along LOS depends on angle a between direction of flyby velocity and direction of LOS Example a = 0°

6 mass determination at flybys
Velocity component along LOS depends on angle a between direction of flyby velocity and direction of LOS Example a = 0°

7 mass determination at flybys
Velocity component along LOS depends on angle a between direction of flyby velocity and direction of LOS Example a = 90°

8 MEX/Phobos flyby, 17th July 2008
f = ± 0.06 mHz GM = ± x10-3 km3/sec2 (error 0.08%) (1) Based on JPL Phobos ephemeris from Jacobson, 2008

9 mass determination at flybys
Velocity component along LOS depends on angle a between direction of flyby velocity and direction of LOS Example a = 20°, 45°, 75°

10 simulated flyby: parameter

11 Simulation: dependence on mass

12 Simulation: dependence on mass
Simulation performed with: Bulk density 2000 kg/m3 Frequency noise 12 mHz (1s)

13 Flyby reference case -- simulation with noise
-- nonlinear least squares fit

14 Flyby reference case mass: GM = (6.120 +/- 0.180)∙10-2 km3 s-2
-- simulation with noise -- nonlinear least squares fit mass: GM = ( / )∙10-2 km3 s-2 relative error: 2.9% reference: GM = 6.086∙10-2 km3 s-2

15 case studies (1) Assumptions:
HGA Earth tracking stopps before closest approach => data end tbd minutes before closest approach no tracking resumed after closest approach

16 HGA stopps tracking 20 min before c.a.

17 case studies (1) Assumptions:
HGA Earth tracking stopps before closest approach => data end tbd minutes before closest approach no tracking resumed after closest approach

18 case studies (2) Assumptions:
HGA Earth tracking stopps before closest approach tracking resumes after tbd hours after closest approach => data gap of tbd hours

19 tracking stopps 10 min before c.a. tracking resumes 2 hours after c.a.

20 case studies (2) Assumptions:
HGA Earth tracking stopps before closest approach tracking resumes after tbd hours after closest approach => data gap of tbd hours

21 Ground station visibility

22 Requirements & Recommendations
Stop HGA tracking before closest approach as late as feasible Recommendation: cover the closest approach Resume HGA tracking after closest approach within 2 hours Keep 3000 km closest approach distance; distance is an issue for this flyby-geometry ! Entire flyby visible from Europe: keep one ground station for the flyby use DSN for X & S-band reception (CEB no S-band) Recommendation: use 70-m DSN Madrid for improved SNR

23 Comparison 35-m and 70-m ground station
Mars Express MaRS radio occultation (X-band) 35-m ground station 1-sigma: 32 mHz 70-m ground station 1-sigma: 3 mHz

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