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Tying it all together July FULLFILLIONAIRE

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Presentation on theme: "Tying it all together July FULLFILLIONAIRE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tying it all together July 2013 - FULLFILLIONAIRE
Thanks them, 2 questions – time is your most valuable asseet. Ice breaker – stand and find 2 people – preferabley people you dont know. Intorduce yourself – your business (or what you do) and what your intention is for this workshop – 8 mins Introduce the talk – 3 mins

2 Wealth Creation Ladder

3 Your Reticular Activating System It’s the COMPASS for your brain
GOALS What they just did by setting a goal was set their RAS tracking … Talk about someone who just bought a new car and now they see them everywhere. Things show up to help those who are truly committed 1 Min

4 The POWER of Planning and Written Goals
98% of wealth 3% Written 27% Verbal 70% No Verbal or Written Goals or Plan Only 3% of people have written goals and plans, these people account for 98% of the wealth. Time frame 25 years.

5 Where is your business TODAY

6 S W O T

7 Definition of a REAL Business…
Commercial, Profitable, Enterprise So, brings up 2 goals … to get more profitability and to work less hours. Design a business that works with-out you. Explain On V’s IN theory. Explain Systems and how they should run a company and you should just monitor the company. That works without YOU!

8 6 Steps to a Great Business
M A S I V E R U L T Diversification Results Multiplication or Acquisition Freedom Synergy Well Oiled Machine Happiness Team Structure for Growth Time Talk through the overview step by step. Position that you’ll get into more detail as we go froward. Leverage Systematize for Efficiency Cash Niche Predictable Cash Flow Stability Mastery From Chaos to Control


10 CLARITY IS POWERFUL Confused Foggy Drained Uncertain Accidental
Neutral 5 Lights Off Lights On 10 Confused Foggy Drained Uncertain Accidental Limited Choices Clarity Powerful Certain On Purpose Energised Possibilities Flow


12 Money Mastery. Break Even or Else…
Profit = Sales – Variable Costs (Cost of Sales, Cost of Goods Sold) – Fixed Costs

13 Money Mastery. Break Even or Else…
Profit = Sales – Variable Costs (Cost of Sales, Cost of Goods Sold) – Fixed Costs

14 Money Mastery. Break Even or Else…
Profit = Sales – Variable Costs (Cost of Sales, Cost of Goods Sold) – Fixed Costs

15 Money Mastery. Break Even or Else…
Profit = Sales – Variable Costs (Cost of Sales, Cost of Goods Sold) – Fixed Costs

16 Money Mastery. Break Even or Else…
MAX. UTILIZATION PROFIT B.E. Profit = Sales – Variable Costs (Cost of Sales, Cost of Goods Sold) – Fixed Costs

The Key to Mastery BUDGETING and REPORTING Questions – How many of you currently have a budget for Profit? How many of you know what you’re daily breakeven cost is? How many would like to know what these numbers are? Sell – When we work with you (assumptive close) we’ll give you our proven systems for calculating these numbers and help you get this CRITICAL addressed in the for 30 days. Remember this is stage 1 of a Commercial Profitable Enterprise

18 Money Mastery of your Cash Flow
JAN 10 FEB 10 MAR 10 APR 10 MAY 10 JUN 10 Income/Rev/Sales - COGS/COS/Variable = Gross Profit Exp/OH/Fixed Owner Salary Net Profit + Equity Inflow Cash Position 100,000 - 75,000 = 25,000 15,000 5,000 + 75,000 - 56,250 = 18,750 15,000 5,000 (1,250) + 3,750 50,000 - 37,500 = 12,500 20,000 5,000 (12,500) + (8,750) 75,000 - 56,250 = 18,750 15,000 5,000 (1,250) + (-10,000) 100,000 - 75,000 = 25,000 15,000 5,000 + 100,000 - 75,000 = 25,000 15,000 5,000 + 2 mins

19 Set up your Accounts properly
GST and Tax account Profit account How much do you need to survive? Pay yourself first 2 mins

20 TIME MASTERY: Your Greatest Asset

21 Work out your hourly rate
How many hours do you work each week? Divide this by 2 – write it down How many weeks per year do you work? Multiply this answer by the answer in 2 above How much do you want to earn in next 12 month? Divide this amount by your answer in 4 above. WRITE THIS DOWN AND STICK IT IN FRONT OF YOU


23 STOP KIDDING YOURSELF! (in 2 hours a successful person will achieve more than someone in delusion could in 1 weeks work)

24 Not Urgent & Not Important Urgent & Not Important Urgent & Important
Time Mastery Not Urgent & Not Important Urgent & Not Important Urgent & Important Not Urgent but Important You can’t manage time – only the events and yourself better. Distraction – who would like to give examples – surfing the web, making tea, then phone call, playstation… Delusion – we haven’t made the right number of sales calls but OK will catch up tomorrow, in denial over what is really happening. Demand – things can creep into here if not managed they become urgent. Also you can get genuinely urgent issues which crop out eg customer or personnel Zone – these are the things which make real different in your business, setting goals, planning, systemisation, marketing strategies, understanding you team etc Where do you spend your time? As an Action coach help you to focus, on the zone and demand task through planning eg. Write out list before you go to bed, default diary ,delegation, are the things you are doing going to make you money or not? Do something today for ….. The Zone Demand Are you in the Zone? Delusion Distraction

25 The Default Diary

26 Consistency and Delivery Mastery
Story – Talk about how a business need to define the critical numbers that indicate the early warning signs of what’s happening. What would these need to be in their business? This is all part of business a Commercial Profitable Enterprise.

27 Are you delivering consistency?
Foundation for Healthy Growth Story – Talk about how a business need to define the critical numbers that indicate the early warning signs of what’s happening. What would these need to be in their business? This is all part of business a Commercial Profitable Enterprise.

28 6 Steps to Massive Results
Diversification Results Multiplication or Acquisition Freedom Synergy Well Oiled Machine Happiness Team Structure for Growth Time Talk through the overview step by step. Position that you’ll get into more detail as we go froward. Leverage Systematize for Efficiency Cash Niche Predictable Cash Flow Stability Mastery From Chaos to Control

29 NO PRICE COMPETITION Definition of a Niche…
Question – How many of you have customers tell you that they purchase on price? No True!! Most people are just too nice to tell you the truth so they go with Price because it’s safe. Every survey conducted puts price at 10% of the reason people by, with service and liking the sales person coming higher up the list.


31 Unique Selling Proposition…
What is your USP? What is your point of difference?... (9 min) If there is no difference between you and one of your competitors, create one, or you’ll be stuck competing on price. So you need to create a difference! Now does that difference need to be a real one? NO! Exercise – call out companies and see if they get their USP – KFC – 11 Herbs and Spices Baskin and Robbins – 31 Flavours – 1 for every day of the month Bunnings – Lowest Prices are Just the Beginning Hungry Jacks – Burgers are Better McDonalds – I’m Loving It Subway – The Fresh Alternative Woolworths – Fresh Food People Coles – Save Everyday Automasters – You can feel the difference LJ Hooker – Nobody Does it Better Action International – The World’s Number 1 Business Coaching Team Holden – Drive On Toyota – Oh What A Feeling BMW – The Ultimate Driving Machine Volvo – For Life Dominos – Ive got the hots for the box with the dots Pizza Hut – The best pizzas under one roof Eagle Boys – Fresha Pizza

32 List 10 ways your business is unique…
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Friendly staff Shop is clean and tidy We have a 24 hour money-back guarantee Stock in a range of sizes We have a unique 8-step fitting program to ensure that our staff fit you correctly All of our staff attend an intensive 2 day colour co-ordination training program We are well established We care about you So lets look at a few points of uniqueness (go through list) What are some of the common links between the unique area: Specific Different etc Important fact – marketing is all about perceptions – so sometimes you may be the same but you market as a point of difference - give example of pure beer and process We have a pick-up and delivery alteration service to and from your home We have 28 different brands of coffee and tea just so you and your friend can enjoy your time with us If your competitors can say it, then it's not unique!

33 A successful USP should be…
Truly unique … Appeal to your target market ... Something that will get people talking... Something that can’t be easily copied, or if it can be, it will be an obvious rip-off on the part of the offending business ... Law of Marketing – the rule of being FIRST

34 Creating a difference can also be done with a …

35 A myth about Guarantees…
Many people are frightened of Guarantees – they honestly believe customers will rip them off…

36 Acquisition Cost Lifetime Value (1 min)

37 The Rule of 10 by 10 ... 10 ways of 10% = 100% (3 min)
Write down current strategies at moment. How many?

38 Marketing Leverage Chart
Now there are 2 cars we have on the screen – the Ford Contour (now e don’t have them in Australia at present but their similar to a laser or the new focus) and the Jaguar X? Now would anyone like to have a guess what these cars have in common? They are built on the same chassis. And what I am going to share with you now is the most powerful business formula you will ever learn. This is a chassis that applies to any business. Make sure you have a pen and paper and take lots of notes. Apply this in your business and you will turn a business that is doing ok into a profit generating machine. You see you can take this and you can build a ford or you can build a Jaguar – the choice is yours. It looks very simple but trust me it will change the way you do business. So take out your pens and get ready to jot down some notes. You can use this CHASSIS to build either a Ford Contour or a Jaguar X … This is the most powerful business secret you’ll ever learn ...

39 5 Ways to Increase Your Business Profits ... Number of Leads x
Conversion Rate = No. of Customers No. of Transactions Ave. $$$ Sale Revenues Margin Profits There are only five ways to increase your business profits. How many? They are… The number of leads. This is the number of people that are interested in buying from you. Conversion Rate, What is conversion: the number of people you meet versus the number of people you sell to. So if you had 100 people that were interested in buying from you and 25 bought from you your conversion rate would be…25% Multiplying leads by conversion gives us the number of customers. Understand this is you sell to someone once you don’t have a business. You have a promotion. The objective in business is once you have a customer you want them coming back as much as possible and you want them spending as much as possible when they come to you. Which brings me to the next parts of the formula... No. of Transactions, This is an average figure. Some people will buy from you once a week others once a month others once a year. This is how many times people buy from you on average. Average $ Sale. This is the average amount that people spend. Some customers spend $2.00 others spend $500 but on average they spend so much. This gives us our turnover. Now is turnover the most important thing in a business? We are in business to make a profit. So we multiply this by our margin to give us profit. Margin. This is your gross margin Often people will come to me and say - Rueben I want more customers, Rueben I want more Turnover or Rueben I want more profits and I say - You cant have them. The reason I say that is because these things are all RESULTS (they have equals in front of them). You need to work on the factors that contribute to these So if you need to get more customers you need to increase the Number of Leads and increase the Conversion Rate. Now lets put in some numbers so you know how it works.

40 5 Ways Strategy Order … 5 2 4 3 1 Number of Leads Conversion Rate
x Conversion Rate = No. of Customers No. of Transactions Ave. $$$ Sale Turnover Margin Profits 5 Margins: increase prices, sell more high margin items Conversion Rate: USP/guarantee, selling scripts, improve existing advertising Average $ Sale: add on and up sell sales scripts No. of Transactions: loyalty strategies, regular communication Number of Leads: most expensive, 6x cost of bringing back existing 3 Mins. 2 4 3 1

41 6 Steps to a Great Business
M A S I V E R U L T Diversification Results Multiplication or Acquisition Freedom Synergy Well Oiled Machine Happiness Team Structure for Growth Time Talk through the overview step by step. Position that you’ll get into more detail as we go forward. Leverage Systematise for Efficiency Cash Niche Predictable Cash Flow Stability Mastery From Chaos to Control

42 Most people just have a …
JOB ver Why do very few employees ever stand a chance of becoming rich? Explain how the economy is set up to favour business owners and not employees. roke

43 The key to Business success…
LEVERAGE Ever More – with Ever Less Chain block to lift an engine…6 blokes versus your grandma. For example Ford uses the falcon chassis to create the Ford Territory – which was the car of the year. What Action system is a great example of Leveraging your marketing – 5 ways. At your tables - Give an example of leverage in your business. Divide to Multiply

44 S – Saving Y – You S – Some T - Time E – Energy and M - Money

45 The only 3 ways to Leverage in Business
LEVERAGE through people… LEVERAGE through systems… Ask for some examples of leverage. How does it apply to them? How could it apply to them? LEVERAGE through marketing…

46 Positional Contracts Vision and Mission … Company Rules of the Game …
What are my duties … How will I be measured ? How will I be rewarded ? Who will I report to ? How will I know whether I get a raise ? What happens if I break the rules ? Next, review your positional contracts. Do they cover some of the topics listed here?

47 Key Performance Indicators
A set for each and every position … A Set for each and every team … A Set for each Manager … A Set for the company over all … Are you able to measure the performance of each team player? What do you need to measure to be sure they are performing well?

48 3 Systems to achieve ENORMOUS results
Marketing Delivery Conversion

49 Marketing Systems Bribe Marketing 1 Marketing 2 Marketing 3

50 6 Steps to a Great Business
M A S I V E R U L T Diversification Results Multiplication or Acquisition Freedom Synergy Well Oiled Machine Happiness Team Structure for Growth Time Talk through the overview step by step. Position that you’ll get into more detail as we go froward. Leverage Systematize for Efficiency Cash Niche Predictable Cash Flow Stability Mastery From Chaos to Control

51 Organisation Charts OWNER MANAGER
Start by drawing your organizational chart. What does your organization look like? Take one functional area at a time when it comes to writing the systems. MARKETING SELLING PRODUCTION ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTING HUMAN RESOURCES

52 6 Keys to A Winning Team ... 1. Strong Leadership 2. Common Goal
3. Rules of the Game 4. Action Plan 5. Support Risk Taking 6. 100% Involvement/Inclusion

53 6 Steps to a Great Business
M A S I V E R U L T Diversification Results Multiplication or Acquisition Freedom Synergy Well Oiled Machine Happiness Team Structure for Growth Time Talk through the overview step by step. Position that you’ll get into more detail as we go froward. Leverage Systematize for Efficiency Cash Niche Predictable Cash Flow Stability Mastery From Chaos to Control

54 Building your team... Most employees are motivated, energetic, committed, enthusiastic and loyal … Except for the 8 hours they work for you! Have Fun with this slide and smile LOTS! Tom Peters – Author /Speaker

55 Winning teams know how to get the...
Here’s where you can ask the killer PAIN question: “If you could start your business again tomorrow – how many people, including yourself, would you not re hire?” right people on the bus

56 The Cycle of Business ... Owner Team Business Customers
In most companies the owner tries to run all 3 and thus can’t get it all done. We are going to change that here today … Use examples for each level supporting the next. Owner supports the team by giving direction, giving leadership, paying bills, staying profitable, paying wages, giving encouragement, building systems etc etc. Team supports the customer with great sales skills, great service, great quality and great consistency. Customers support the business by coming back more often, spending more on each visit and telling their friends about you. And in the turn the business supports the owner through profits and over time less hours worked. 3 Mins Customers

57 6 Steps to a Great Business
M A S I V E R U L T Diversification Results Multiplication or Acquisition Freedom Synergy Well Oiled Machine Happiness Team Structure for Growth Time Talk through the overview step by step. Position that you’ll get into more detail as we go froward. Leverage Systematize for Efficiency Cash Niche Predictable Cash Flow Stability Mastery From Chaos to Control

58 Quoting Richard Branson ...
“If you can learn to run one business successfully, then there is no reason you can’t run any number of businesses at the same time….the principles are still the same.” Ask the question – “So how much will the knowledge we’ll teach you be worth over the next 5, 10,15 years of your commercial life?”

59 Combining the business Definition of a Business with the 6 Steps …
RESULTS Your Freedom … SYNERGY Growth … TEAM Without Me … LEVERAGE That Works … NICHE Profitable … A Commercial, Enterprise … MASTERY

60 “Never wish your life were easier ... Wish that YOU were better.”
“Work harder on yourself than you do on your job ...” Focus on them learning from you and ACTION ...

61 5 Concepts Before Planning
The reluctance model Operate from Genius – automate as much as possible Theme your days Manage your energy – not time Sprint


63 Problems Stuff Opportunities 1. The Reluctance Model Not us Not me
Oh – Ok then


65 Go 2 months without a holiday Work with negative clients
I will not…. Read Do administration Go 2 months without a holiday Work with negative clients Say yes to opportunities outside my expertise Change my personality Visit a prospect unless they have completed a questionnaire/listened to a CD

66 2. Operate from Genius

67 Not Urgent & Not Important Urgent & Not Important Urgent & Important
Are you in the zone? Not Urgent & Not Important Urgent & Not Important Urgent & Important Not Urgent but Important You can’t manage time – only the events and yourself better. Distraction – who would like to give examples – surfing the web, making tea, then phone call, playstation… Delusion – we haven’t made the right number of sales calls but OK will catch up tomorrow, in denial over what is really happening. Demand – things can creep into here if not managed they become urgent. Also you can get genuinely urgent issues which crop out eg customer or personnel Zone – these are the things which make real different in your business, setting goals, planning, systemisation, marketing strategies, understanding you team etc Where do you spend your time? As an Action coach help you to focus, on the zone and demand task through planning eg. Write out list before you go to bed, default diary ,delegation, are the things you are doing going to make you money or not? Do something today for ….. The Zone Demand Delusion Distraction

68 Remove the Bricks BUSINESS PERSONAL YOU

69 MINOR MAJOR MEDIUM 85% 50% 25% Decision Making…

70 FOCUS – the key to success.. Focus
Try and chase two rabbits – you catch neither. Focus on me for 3 hours – its the key to success. The longer you can focus on a task at hand, the more successful you will be


72 3. Theme your days.

73 4. Manage your energy, not time.

74 Keep changing channels A new environment will shift your energy

75 5. Implement 50-minute sprints

76 Who do you want to meet on July 1 2014?

77 The law of control

78 Your 90 Day Goals What do you choose to achieve in the next 10 years …? IVVM – Show Vision Book / Story of Jim Carey.


80 Your 90 Day Goals What do you choose to achieve in the next 5 years …?
What do you need to achieve in the next year to be on track … ? IVVM – Show Vision Book / Story of Jim Carey.

81 Your 90 Day Goals What do you choose to achieve in the next 3 years …?
What do you need to achieve in the next year to be on track … ? What do you need to achieve in the next 90 days to be on target for your longer term goals … ? IVVM – Show Vision Book / Story of Jim Carey.

82 Things to consider when compiling your plan
Don’t commit to too much Include both personal & business goals Catch up weeks (2-3 per qtr) Balance & “you time” Rewards


84 “No matter how tough you think you are, you can’t do this on your own”
Tiger Woods – discussing his Coach and Support Team

85 Is a World Class Coach Behind Every Great Winner
FLIPCHART – 73% >5 touches …. 92% sales team give up before 5 ……… FEEDBACK FORMS – before we go into the next lot of secrets Is a World Class Coach

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