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Presentation on theme: "SKIMMING."— Presentation transcript:


2 Skimming adalah - mengidentifikasi pokok pikiran, gagasan utama atau informasi penting yang ada dalam suatu paragraf - membedakan antara ide utama dan ide penunjang

3 Garisbawahilah ide utama paragraf di bawah ini:
For many companies, creating new products is a critical way to adapt and survive in a rapidly changing environment. Getting new products to market fast and developing products that can compete in a competitive international market are key issues for companies like Xerox, Hewlett-Packard, and Chrysler. Tandailah ide utama paragraf di bawah ini: For many companies, creating new products is a critical way to adapt and survive in a rapidly changing environment. Getting new products to market fast and developing products that can compete in a competitive international market are key issues for companies like Xerox, Hewlett-Packard, and Chrysler.

4 Every society has a culture that differentiates the values and lifestyles of its members from those of other societies. The anthropologist Clyde Kluckhohn has defined culture as "the total life way of a people, the social legacy the individual acquires from his group. Or culture can be regarded as that part of the environment that is the creation of man. Most social scientists seem agreed that culture shapes or influences social action, but that it does not fully determine it. It is only one of many factors that may affect human behavior.

5 Selamat berlatih!

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