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AP United States History Period : The Era of Revolution

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1 AP United States History Period 3 1754-1800: The Era of Revolution

2 Key Concepts Key Concept 3.1: British attempts to assert tighter control over its North American colonies and the colonial resolve to pursue self-government led to a colonial independence movement and the Revolutionary War. Key Concept 3.2: The American Revolution’s democratic and republican ideals inspired new experiments with different forms of government. Key Concept 3.3: Migration within North America and competition over resources, boundaries, and trade intensified conflicts among peoples and nations.

3 English/American Wars of the 18th Century
Be able to discuss the causes and effects of the following: King William’s War King George’s War Seven Year’s War/French and Indian War

4 The Roots of the Revolution
Skim text chapters 5,6, and 7 and list as many causes of the Revolution as you can. Be prepared to discuss each one.


6 Colonial vs. English Government
Similarities: Differences:

7 The Shot heard ‘Round the World
Explain the importance of: Paul Revere Lexington and Concord Battles of Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill Arnold and Canada

8 The Declaration of Independence
Why did the Continental Congress wait until July to declare independence from Britain? What were the effects of the Declaration then? How does the Declaration still impact us today? 4. How does “Common Sense” relate to the writing of the Declaration?

9 Major Battles and Campaigns of the American Revolution Activity
1. Early Battles and Canada 2. New York Campaign 3. Northern Continental Army/New England 4. Trenton and Princeton Philadelphia and Valley Forge/Monmouth 6. Southern Campaign and Yorktown

10 Summary of the War CAUSES: EFFECTS:

11 Chapter 6 Discussion Questions
Describe the Articles of Confederation Why are the Articles lousy? Tell the story of the constitutional Convention: Virginia vs. New Jersey Plan= bicameral 3/5 Compromise Seperation of Powers

12 Chapter 6: The Constitution Group Activity
Use Chapter 6 and copies of the Constituion to answer the following: Group 1: Read Article I, IV, Amendments I-III and explain their importance. Group 2: Read Article II, V, and Amendments IV-VI and explain their importance. Group 3 Read Article III, VI, VII and Amendments VII-X and explain their importance.

13 “Other” Chapter 6 Stuff The Northwest Ordinance Shay’s Rebellion
Federalists vs. Anti-federalists Ratification

14 Chapter 7 Part I Discussion Questions
Why do you think Washington was elected the 1st POTUS? Create a list of THREE major difference between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Find an online copy of Washington’s Farewell Address. Create a list of 4 important points Washington tries to make. Where do you rank Washington in the list of top Presidents? Explain.

15 Washington Book Stuff French Revolution 1st Bank of the United States
Jay’s Treaty Anti-Federalists= Republicans Indian Battles Whiskey Rebellion The Secret Deal for D.C.

16 John Adams Election of 1796 His cabinet: _________ XYZ Affair
The Alien and Sedition Acts Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Keeping the Peace/Quasi War with France Adams Vs. Hamilton: Who is Charles Pinckney?

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