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Adjuvant Therapy for HER2+ Breast Cancer Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

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2 Adjuvant Therapy for HER2+ Breast Cancer Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Eric P. Winer, MD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA August

3 First-Generation Adjuvant Trastuzumab Trials

4 Overall Survival Joint Analysis of AC-T +/- Trastuzumab
Perez et al, JCO 2014

5 Disease Events in Joint Analysis (with extended follow-up)
AC-T (n=2018) AC-TH (n=2028) First Event 680 473 Local Recurrence 119 82 Distant Recurrence 416 241 Contralateral 29 13 Other malignancy 74 66 Death w/o disease 31 38 Perez et al, JCO 2014

6 BCIRG-006 DFS Final Analysis (10.3yrs)
74.6% Trastuzumab-containing regimens remain superior at 10y follow-up No formal comparison of anthracycline containing vs not Despite benefits of trastuzumab, 25% of patients have events before 10 years – still room for improvement In years rather then months ? Slamon et al, SABCS 2015

7 Optimal Duration of Trastuzumab
HERA: No benefit of 2 years vs 1 year PHARE: 6 months marginally worse than 1 year SHORT HER Trial: Non-inferiority of shorter duration could not be established CONCLUSION: 1 year is standard

8 ALTTO Trial: DFS Analysis No added benefit from Lapatinib
MFU = 4.5 yrs * ** * 97.5% CI Piccart et al, JCO 2016 **p-value ≤ required for statistical significance

9 APHINITY: Trial Design
Chemotherapy* + trastuzumab + placebo Chemotherapy* + trastuzumab + pertuzumab Randomisation and treatment within 8 weeks of surgery Anti-HER2 therapy for a total of 1 year (52 weeks) (concurrent with start of taxane) Radiotherapy and/or endocrine therapy may be started at the end of adjuvant chemotherapy Central confirmation of HER2 status (N = 4805) F O L W - U P 10 Y E A R S S U R G E R Y *A number of standard anthracycline or non-anthracycline (TCH) regimens were allowed

10 APHINITY: Key Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria HER2-positive status confirmed by a central review (IHC 3+ or FISH-/CISH-positive)* Node-positive, any tumour size except T0 Node-negative Tumour size >1 cm OR For tumours >0.5 and ≤1 cm, at least 1 of: histological/nuclear grade 3 ER- and PR-negative age <35 Baseline LVEF ≥55% Prior invasive breast cancer Non-operable breast cancer Metastatic disease (stage IV) Previous non-breast malignancies (except for the following: carcinoma in situ of the cervix, carcinoma in situ of the colon, melanoma in situ, and basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin) Previous or current anti-cancer therapy or previous radiotherapy for any malignancy Cardiac dysfunction or serious medical conditions * Wolff A et al, J Clin Oncol 2013

11 APHINITY: Summary of first occurrence of an IDFS event
Majority of occurrences were distant, visceral Placebo Pertuzumab n=2400 Total patients with IDFS event, n (%) 171 (7.1) 210 (8.7) Category of first IDFS event, n (%) Distant recurrence Locoregional recurrence Contralateral breast cancer Death without prior event 112 (4.7) 26 (1.1) 5 (0.2) 28 (1.2) 139 (5.8) 34 (1.4) 11 (0.5) All patients with a distant recurrence at any time during the study, n (%) 119 (5.0) 145 (6.0) Site of first distant recurrence n (%) Lung/liver/pleural effusion CNS Other Bone 43 (1.8) 46 (1.9) 9 (0.4) 21 (0.9) 61 (2.5) 45 (1.9) 30 (1.2) Patients who experience additional iDFS event(s) within 61 days of their 1st iDFS event are reported in the category according to the following hierarchy: [1] Distant recurrence; [2] Locoregional recurrence; [3] Contralateral breast cancer; [4] Death without prior event.

12 APHINITY (Intent-to-Treat) Invasive Disease Free Survival Analysis

13 APHINITY: Subgroup Analyses
No. of Patients / No. of Events 3-year IDFS Rate, % Interaction test p-value Subgroup Pertuzumab Placebo Hazard Ratio (95%CI) All patients 171 / 2400 210 / 2404 0.82 (0.67–1.00) 94.1 93.2 NA Nodal status 0 positive nodes, tumor ≤1cm 2 / 90 4 / 84 0.48 (0.09–2.60) 97.7 97.5 0.374 0 positive nodes, tumor >1cm 30 / 807 25 / 818 1.23 (0.72–2.10) 98.5 1–3 positive nodes 55 / 907 75 / 900 0.73 (0.52–1.04) 94.9 93.8 ≥4 positive nodes 84 / 596 106 / 602 0.79 (0.59–1.05) 87.5 84.7 0 positive nodes 32 / 897 29 / 902 1.13 (0.68–1.86) 98.4 0.169 ≥1 positive nodes 139 / 1503 181 / 1502 0.77 (0.62–0.96) 92.0 90.2 Adjuvant chemotherapy regimen Anthracycline 139 / 1865 171 / 1877 0.82 (0.66–1.03) 93.0 0.996 Non-anthracycline 32 / 535 39 / 527 0.82 (0.51–1.31) 94.0 Central hormone receptor status Positive (ER- and/or PgR-positive) 100 / 1536 119 / 1546 0.86 (0.66–1.13) 94.8 94.4 0.543 Negative (ER- and PgR-negative) 71 / 864 91 / 858 0.76 (0.56–1.04) 92.8 91.2 Protocol version Protocol A 120 / 1828 143 / 1827 0.84 (0.66–1.08) 94.7 0.686 Protocol Amendment B 51 / 572 67 / 577 0.77 (0.53–1.11) 91.9 90.6 Menopausal status at screening Pre-menopausal 93 / 1152 96 / 1173 0.99 (0.75–1.32) 93.5 93.7 0.069 Post-menopausal 78 / 1242 113 / 1220 0.68 (0.51–0.91) 94.5 92.7 Age group (years) <40 30 / 326 32 / 327 0.96 (0.59–1.59) 93.4 93.1 0.781 40–49 48 / 708 53 / 702 0.89 (0.60–1.32) 94.3 50–64 69 / 1051 91 / 1082 0.78 (0.57–1.07) 93.3 ≥65 24 / 315 34 / 293 0.70 (0.41–1.17) 92.9 Tumor size (cm) <2 41 / 977 64 / 944 0.62 (0.42–0.92) 97.0 94.6 0.203 2–<5 108 / 1273 115 / 1283 0.96 (0.74–1.24) 92.5 ≥5 22 / 147 31 / 174 0.85 (0.49–1.47) Sex Female 171 / 2397 209 / 2396 0.82 (0.67–1.01) No. of Events / No. of Patients Unstratified 1/5 1/2 1 2 5 Pertuzumab better Placebo better

14 APHINITY: Node-positive Subgroup

15 APHINITY: Node-negative Subgroup

16 APHINITY: Hormone Receptor-negative Subgroup

17 APHINITY: Hormone Receptor-positive Subgroup

18 APHINITY: Cardiac Endpoints
Pertuzumab n=2364 Treatment difference ptz vs. pla (95% CI) N (%) Primary cardiac endpoint 17 (0.7) 0.4 (0.0, 0.8) 8 (0.3) Heart failure NYHA III/IV + LVEF drop* Cardiac death** 15 (0.6) 2 (0.08) 6 (0.2) Recovered according to LVEF 7 4 Secondary cardiac endpoint Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic LVEF drop* 64 (2.7) -0.1 (-1.0, 0.9) 67 (2.8) *LVEF drop = ejection fraction drop ≥10% from baseline AND to below 50%

19 APHINITY: Common Grade > 3 Adverse Events
Pertuzumab n=2364 Placebo n=2405 Neutropenia 385 (16.3%) 377 (15.7%) Febrile Neutropenia 287 (12.1%) 266 (11.1%) Neutrophil count decreased 228 ( 9.6%) 230 ( 9.6%) Diarrhoea 232 (9.8%) 90 ( 3.7%) Anaemia 163 ( 6.9%) 113 ( 4.7%)

20 When Should We Use Pertuzumab?
High risk disease ER negative Node positive (All patients? -- different criteria for ER+ and ER-) Avoid in node negative Will have to monitor results over time Still no survival advantage, and ultimately likely to be small

21 Can We Improve in the Adjuvant HER2+ Setting? ExteNet: Study Design
2-year follow-up for iDFS 5-year follow-up for iDFS 5 + year survival Part A Part B Part C HER2+ breast cancer (local) Prior adjuvant trastuzumab & chemotherapy Lymph node –/+ or residual invasive disease after neoadjuvant therapy ER/PR + or – N=2880 Neratinib x 1 year 240mg/day 1:1 randomization Placebo x 1 year A sizeable minority still experience recurrences in spite of chemotherapy plus trastuzumab. HERA did not support longer duration Trastuzumab. Primary endpoint: invasive disease-free survival (iDFS) at 2 years (4 years after treatment completion) Complicated study with many amendments

22 Adjuvant Extended Neratinib: Improvement in DFS with Greater in ER+
Chan et al, Lancet Oncology 2016

23 What is the role for adjuvant neratinib?
FDA approved extented neratinib No evidence of benefit with pertuzumab Therapy extends for one year, and is not without toxicity Will it be used, and if so, in whom? Possible role in VERY high risk patients, perhaps those with very high risk ER+ disease, and perhaps in those who do not respond to neoadjuvant antibody-based therapy

24 What About Stage I HER2+ Tumors?

25 Risk in < 1cm Node-Negative HER2+ Tumors
* endocrine therapy permitted About 15% risk of relapse in small node-negative tumors in most worrisome dataset Gonzalez-Angulo, JCO 2009 Increased risk in T1b/T1c HER2+ cancers Given lower risk, and significant benefits of trastuzumab, a less intensive chemotherapy regimen may be most appropriate

26 Background Retrospective data suggests that patients with small HER2+ breast cancer have more than just a minimal risk of disease recurrence Majority of pivotal adjuvant trials excluded these patients APT was designed to address treatment for this patient population Presented by: Sara M. Tolaney

APT Trial Study Design Enroll T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P HER2+ ER+ or ER- Node Negative < 3 cm PACLITAXEL 80 mg/m2 + TRASTUZUMAB 2 mg/kg x 12 Accrual N=406 Less than 20% had T1a 50% had T1c or T2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T We conducted a single-arm, multi-center, investigator-initiated phase II trial of paclitaxel and trastuzumab in patients with node-negative tumors less than or equal to 3 cm Essentially this treatment regimen is the adjuvant ACTH regimen without the AC. Treatment consisted of 80 mg/m2 IV weekly for 12 weeks in combination with weekly IV trastuzumab for a total of 12 doses. After completion of 12 weeks of paclitaxel, the dosing of trastuzumab could be continued on a weekly basis or changed to 6 mg per kilogram IV every 3 weeks for 40 weeks to complete a full year of trastuzumab therapy. Patients treated with lumpectomy were required to receive adjuvant radiation therapy. Whole-breast radiotherapy was initiated after completion of the paclitaxel and partial breast radiation was performed prior to initiation of protocol therapy. Trastuzumab treatment was continued during radiotherapy. Women with HR+ tumors, were recommended to start adjuvant hormonal therapy after completion of paclitaxel. FOLLOWED BY 13 EVERY 3 WEEK DOSES OF TRASTUZUMAB (6 mg/kg)* *Dosing could alternatively be 2 mg/kg IV weekly for 40 weeks ** Radiation and hormonal therapy was initiated after completion of paclitaxel Tolaney et al, NEJM 2015

28 Enrollment Allocation Follow-Up
Assessed for eligibility (n=410) Excluded (n=4) Not meeting inclusion criteria (n=1) Declined to participate (n=3) Allocated to intervention (n=406) Did not receive intervention (n=0)) Allocation Discontinued intervention (n=50) Protocol specified toxicity (n=24) Toxicity not protocol-specified (n=6) Intercurrent illness (n=1) Patient decision (n=13) Physician decision (n=4) Disease recurrence (n=1) Unknown reason (n=1) Discontinued follow-up (n=69) Death (n=14) Withdrew from study (n=22) Lost to follow up (n=20) Patients did not consent to f/u beyond 5 yrs (n=13) Analyzed (n=406) Follow-Up

29 Patient Characteristics
% Age <50 50-70 ≥70 132 233 41 33 57 10 Size of Primary Tumor T1a ≤0.5 cm T1b >0.5-≤1.0 T1c >1.0-≤2.0 T2 >2.0-≤3.0 77 124 169 36 19 31 42 9 Histologic Grade I Well differentiated II Moderately differentiated III Poorly differentiated 44 131 228 11 32 56 HR Status (ER and/or PR) Positive Negative 272 134 67

30 Disease-Free Survival Events
DFS Event N (%) Time to event [months; mean(range)] Any recurrence or death 23 (5.7) Local/Regional Recurrence* Ipsilateral axilla (HER2+) Ipsilateral breast (HER2+) 5 (1.2) 3 2 29 (12-54) 51 (37-65) New Contralateral Primary Breast Cancer HER2+ HER2- Unknown 6 (1.5) 1 56 36 (12-59) 87 (84-90) Distant Recurrence 4 (1.0) 49 (27-63) Death Non-breast cancer related 8 (2.0) 58 (13-71)

31 Disease-Free Survival
Point Est. 95% Conf. Interval No. of events 3-yr DFS 98.5% 97.2% to 99.7% 6 5-yr DFS 96.3% 94.4% to 98.2% 14 7-yr DFS 93.3% 90.4% to 96.2% 23

32 Recurrence Free Interval
Point Est. 95% Conf. Interval No. of events 3-yr RFI 99.2% 98.4% to >99.9% 3 5-yr RFI 98.1% 96.8% to 99.5% 7 7-yr RFI 97.5% 95.9% to 99.1% 9

33 Overall Survival Point Est. 95% Conf. Interval No. of events 99.7%
3-yr OS 99.7% 99.2% to >99.9% 1 5-yr OS 98.7% 97.5% to 99.8% 5 7-yr OS 95.0% 92.4% to 97.7% 14

34 Causes of Deaths DFS Events (n) Stroke (1) Ovarian Cancer (1)
Dementia (1) Suicide (1) Unknown cause without known recurrence (4) Other events counted in OS Osteosarcoma Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Lung Cancer Triple-negative breast cancer (2) HER2-positive breast cancer (1)

35 Cardiac Safety of Trastuzumab without Anthracycline: APT Trial
Most had stable LVEF during treatment 3.2% had asymptomatic drop in LVEF requiring trastuzumab hold 0.5% had grade 3 LV dysfunction, with risk factors for cardiac dysfunction Dang et al, JAMA Oncol 2016

36 APT Trial Summary With a median follow-up of 6.5 years, the 7-yr DFS was 93.3%, with just 4 distant recurrences The 7-yr RFI (including invasive local/regional + distant recurrences + deaths due to breast cancer) was 97.5% Trend towards fewer recurrences in the HR+ patients (7 yr DFS: 94.6% vs 90.7%) Adjuvant TH is now a standard regimen for the majority of patients with stage I HER2+ breast cancer

37 Netherlands Population Registry for stage 1, HER2+ breast cancers
Van Ramshort et al. SABCS 2015

38 Netherlands Observational Study
of Small HER2+ Tumors OS BCSS Van Ramshort et al. SABCS 2015

39 R 3 1 ATEMPT Trial Schema Trastuzumab-DM1 q3weeks X17 Stage I HER2+*
ER+ or ER- PS 0-1 Adequate organ fx N=375 R Paclitaxel + Trastuzumab x12 Trastuzumab q3weeks x13 1 N=500 N=125 *HER2-positive defined as IHC 3+ or FISH≥2.0; will be confirmed by central HER2 testing prior to study enrollment Adjuvant endocrine therapy can be initiated after completion of 12 weeks of therapy Adjuvant radiation therapy can be administered concurrently with study treatment. PI: Sara Tolaney, MD, MPH

40 Adjuvant Therapy For HER2+ Tumors <2 cm
< 1 mm cm cm cm YES! YES! ER- SELECTIVELY YES! MAYBE, BUT NOT IN EVERYONE GENERALLY NOT ER+ If chemotherapy to be used, would be comfortable giving paclitaxel/trastuzumab to any of these patients

41 The Challenge of HER2 Testing
Often relatively straightforward, but confusion can arise from: Testing variability (pre/post testing) Biologic heterogeneity (probably the major issue) Clinical HER2 positivity FISH > 2.0 IHC 3+ HER2 gene copy number > 6 Oncotype Dx should not be used to assess HER2 Requires close collaboration with pathology and selective retesting We still don’t have anything close to a perfect measure for “HER2-driven” Two equivocal results do not equal one positive result! 41

42 Future Directions More For Some, Less For Others
As biologic therapy improves, we should be able to back off on some and occasionally all chemotherapy Will selected patients be able to receive antibody therapy alone? Will others be able to receive hormonal therapy plus anti-Her2 therapy? Narrow role for Neratinib will be defined Watch for role of CDK 4/6 inhibitors in Her2+ disease in the years ahead

43 Standard Approaches Stage I -- majority can be treated with TH only
Stage II/III – AC-T with H+/-P or TCH+/-P Pertuzumab appropriate for node positive ER- disease and ER+ in setting of multiple positive nodes Adjuvant and neoadjuvant largely interchangeable for many patients, though neoadjuvant has some distinct advantages Role of neratinib uncertain

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