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Sit with your small group!

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Presentation on theme: "Sit with your small group!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sit with your small group!

2 Welcome & Opening Prayer


4 1. What did God create on the sixth day of creation?
Stars Oceans People Fish

5 2. Who ate the forbidden fruit first?
Adam Eve Serpent Cain

6 3. Who was God talking to when he said, “Let us make mankind in our image…”?
Animals Angels Jesus The Trinity

7 4. Why did God flood the earth?
People were evil Creation needed rain Noah told God to flood the earth None of the above

8 5. What’s a covenant? A stone tablet
An unbreakable promise between two parties A secret cove None of the above.

9 6. What’s so important about the rainbow?
A. It’s a covenant between God and mankind B. It reminds God not to flood the earth C. Both A & B D. None of the above

10 Memory Work 1. Small Group Leaders stand in the hallway. 2
Memory Work 1. Small Group Leaders stand in the hallway. 2. Take turns reciting the memory work to your leader. *You get 2 chances per Tuesday!

11 On your worksheet… Under “See the Story,” create a simple image or symbol that you think best represents Chapter 2.

12 This Week’s Memory Work: Genesis 22:17-18

13 This week’s video: God Builds A Nation

14 With a partner… Answer the two questions under “Hear the Story.”

15 What were the key events from chapter 2?

16 What was the most meaningful to you from this story?

17 Peter’s Chapter Notes God’s promise to Abram – “dust & stars” (pgs. 14 & 15) Childless Abram will have countless offspring?! Sarai’s slave, Hagar, and Abram had a boy named _________. (pg. 16) He wasn’t the promised son. Why? Whenever a name change occurs – something significant happens Abram  Abraham Sarai  Sarah Ishmael

18 Peter’s Chapter Notes Isaac means “he laughs”
God tested Abraham (pg. 19) Isaac carried wood Isaac walked up hill Abraham almost killed his promised son A sacrifice was made Abraham believed God could raise Isaac back from death UPPER STORY CONNECTION Jesus carried a cross Jesus walked up hill The Promised Son was killed The final sacrifice was made Rose from the dead!

19 Peter’s Chapter Notes Isaac & Rebekah had twins: Esau & Jacob
Esau: hairy hunter Jacob: quiet liar Rebekah & Jacob schemed to receive Esau’s inheritance from Isaac (who was dying) (pg. 21) Jacob wrestled with God. Jacob’s name changed to “Israel” (pg. 24) Esau accepted Jacob and forgave him

20 On your worksheet… Under “Join The Story,” answer one of the questions.

21 Small Group Time Leaders: - Ask the discussion questions in your guide
Small Group Time Leaders: - Ask the discussion questions in your guide. - Write down prayer requests on yellow slip of paper. - Choose one confirmand to pray later.

22 Questions?

23 For Next Tuesday: Read Chapter 3 of The Story! Memorize Gen. 49:22

24 Jr. FLY Fall Retreat this weekend!
(packing list on poster) Retreat Info: Meet at Faith – 5:30pm on Fri., Sept. 30 High ropes, games, devotions! Arrive back – 9:30am on Sun., Oct. 2

25 Sunday Morning Jr. FLY 9:45-10:40am Room 204 Next Sunday Night FLY – Oct. 9 “Connect” & crazy games!

26 Closing Prayers

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