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Cold War in the ME Scramble for post-colonial alignment Oil! Resources

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2 Cold War in the ME Scramble for post-colonial alignment Oil! Resources
Non-alignment? Islam vs. the West: Communism as the Islamic alternative to American supported Israel? Military support…

3 Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
Implications for America: Jewish lobby and political support for Israel Osama, ME terrorists, Arab countries’ condemnation of U.S. support for Israel Munich Need by American presidents to try and find a solution

4 Egyptian/Israeli Conflict

5 1967: Six Day’s War 1973: Yom Kippur War

6 Implications: 1973 Arab Oil Embargo and recession Success for Carter! Longest lasting peace in ME 1979: Camp David Peace Accords, Anwar Sadat (E), Jimmy Carter, Menachem Begin (I)

7 U.S.-Iranian Conflict

8 The Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
Ayatollah Khomeini

9 Iranian Hostage Crisis
Iranian Revolution

10 Iraq/Iran War Implications for the U.S.: Hostage crisis, on top of Vietnam, seen as failure of U.S. Foreign policy, U.S. exceptionalism, Carter admin Supported Sadaam Hussein of Iraq, against Iran in Iran/Iraq War Earned hatred of Iran, now trying to get nukes Iran has sponsored terrorism against American interests

11 Post Cold War Mess Post Cold War Implications:
Terrorism as counter to uni-polar world Shiite vs. Sunni split Fundamentalism vs. moderates Future of Oil? Can Islam and Democracy co-exist?

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