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NET ZERO A Study of James 5:1–6..

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Presentation on theme: "NET ZERO A Study of James 5:1–6.."— Presentation transcript:

1 NET ZERO A Study of James 5:1–6.

2 The Judgment of God is certain to come upon those who pursue dishonest gain.

3 The Desperate Anguish of the Wicked Rich.
What they are called to do: Weep & Howl: Howl, to cry aloud in anguish. “To express the shrieking or howling of grief to the gods.” Greatest Tragedy, “The sinner’s incessant cries for mercy, and the deafness of God.”

4 The Dreadful Judgment of the Wicked Rich
Riches: Rotted Garments: Moth Eaten Silver & Gold: Corroded The Corrosion will consume their flesh.

5 The Devastating Future of the Wicked Rich.
Eccl. 5:13, “…Riches kept for their owner to his hurt.” 1 Tim. 6:9, “They that will be rich will fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish & hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction.”

6 The Deceitful Practices of he Wicked Rich.
Withholding rightful payment. Leviticus 9:13 Deut. 24:14—15. Jeremiah 22:13.

7 The Deluxe Lifestyle of the Wicked Rich.
Parallel of Luke 16, the “rich man & Lazarus.” Day of Slaughter = God’s Wrath, Isa. 34:5—8; Jer. 46:10, Jer. 50:25—27. They have fattened their hearts with good while others starve from want.

8 The Deadly Crimes of the Wicked Rich.
Depriving the poor of their basic provisions. Defrauding Christians to take their wealth. Pr. 13:11, “Wealth gained by fraud, dwindles.”

9 SLP Application: Do I use our finances to God’s glory?
Am I hoarding or helping with my riches? What is my attitude toward money? What is my attitude toward the poor?

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