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BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

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1 BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

2 Monitor and adjust your personal work performance
In order to remain competitive, organisations need to ensure that their employees are able to perform at their best It does not matter whether a company’s product is excellent, unless the employee perform, the company’s sales will suffer. Also, the cost of employees (i.e. labour) is generally the most expensive cost to most businesses and hence it is very important for management to pay close attention to individual performance

3 Monitor and adjust your personal work performance
Even if you are currently not employed, it is essential that you know how to monitor your own performance. Why? Because this will allow you to improve your productivity and maximise the results of your efforts – also, it will IMPRESS your future employer, as you can discuss this in your interview!

4 Performance Standards
The basic measurement for performance is whether an employee has “met” the “requirements” Based on the work you have done in earlier sections, you know that these requirements can be work goals, objectives, policies or procedures, as well as KPIs We used the above to develop a work schedule, but a work schedule is narrow as it focuses on just one or two aspects of the work or project. Now we want to monitor performance across all work efforts, not just the narrow scope associated with performing specific parts of one’s role and responsibilities.

5 Work Requirements Any piece of work, to be done effectively, depends on a number of individual factors. That is , it will require one to have the following 6 attributes – What do you think these are? What individual personality traits would you require? Knowledge. Skill Ability Motivation Attitude Personality

6 Work Requirements If we wish to monitor any performance, this list provides a useful way to identify benchmarks or requirements. To do this, the text book (Refer to section 2.1) takes two examples to show how to set up a checklist in order to monitor performance. The two examples are: An employee in a typical workplace A student doing a course at a registered college

7 Work Requirements Refer to section 2.1 Apply each of the 6 attributes provided earlier to an example in the workplace

8 Core Values Core values are statements that describe employees’ behaviours that the organisation believes are essential if productivity is to be achieved In effect, core values can be motivation, attitude and personality – these are all behaviour that an organisation can value

9 Core Values Core values are now written into most job descriptions and could include the following Work well in teams Committed to customer service Is ethical Is dedicated to continuous improvement Respects others Leads by example Works in a safe way

10 Self Assessment How would you undertake a self-assessment of these requirements? Refer to the case study of Tammy the mortgage broker provided in section 2.1 of the Text Book

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