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Warm up read pp. 559-566.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up read pp. 559-566."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up read pp

2 Entrepreneurship Growth Strategies Presented By Mrs. Bowden

3 Today we will: Discuss growth stages of businesses and growth strategies for your products and services.

4 Business Growth: The gradual build up of sales and profits
The major steps that a business may take to dramatically increase sales ORGANIC GROWTH – achieved by expanding your business internally – ex. Adding new products or services. EXTERNAL GROWTH – achieved by buying or merging with other businesses

5 Deciding when to grow: Condition of the business Economic climate
Life goals of the Business Owner

6 Product life cycle: Series of stages that a product goes through – this can help us decide our growth strategies

7 Product Life Cycle:

8 Product Life Cycle: Introduction – marketing effort is devoted to building awareness Expensive phase so PROFITS are ALMOST ZERO Sales are extremely low Growth – sales and profits increase rapidly and steadily Maturity – Sales and Profit both reach a peak (decision to grow) Decline – sales and profit begin to decline – how can we revive?

9 Growth Strategies: Intensive – cultivate a brand new product or a new market to sell in Ex. Apple Integrative – blends businesses together – Target | Starbucks Diversification – offer products that are different from its core offering ex. Walmart/gas or a clothing store that now sells shoes

10 Setting Goals: Business growth is not possible unless you set short term goal and long term goals Short term goals – effect the business immediately Long term goals – effect the business in the long run (growth strategies Intensive, Integrative, Diversification)

11 Setting Goals – Let’s Practice:
Decide on short term goals for your business Decide on long term goals for your business Record these on your worksheet

12 Exit Strategies: WARM UP - READ p. 587-598
Why would entrepreneurs not want to retire? Emotionally attached Like being in charge Can’t give it up Scary Reflection of who they are

13 Exit Strategies: Why would entrepreneurs want to retire? Too physical
Want to enjoy your success/money Tired Loosing money Relax Stressed Travel Can’t keep up Hobbies

14 Exit Strategies: What are ways that we can choose to exit our business? Employee Stock Ownership (sell your shares of stock to pay for retirement for employees) Sell it Sell our portion to our partner Management buyout Family member Liquidate Franchise

15 Exit Strategies: Project work day.p.207
Write about your Growth strategy – Include Goals both short term and long term and your exit strategy

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