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Swartz Creek Middle School 6th Grade Parent Meeting 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Swartz Creek Middle School 6th Grade Parent Meeting 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Swartz Creek Middle School 6th Grade Parent Meeting 2017

2 Welcome to our Middle School
Mr. Klaeren Principal Mrs. Titsworth Assistant Principal Mrs. Sheeran (A-L) Counselor Mrs. Shreve (M-Z)

3 What do we do? Schedule classes Help with a variety of problems:
Bullying Locker Friends Family Bus …And anything else that students might need help with

4 Clubs & Activities Student Council Intramurals Fun Nights Drama Club
Science Olympiad Quiz Bowl Odyssey of the Mind Intramurals Basketball Bowling Dodge Ball Flag Football

5 School Sports New 2016-17 MHSAA constitution
6th grade students will be able to participate with 7th and 8th graders in individual school sports Bowling Cross Country (will start Aug. 22) Track and Field Swimming and Diving (if room available) Wrestling

6 Health Issues Special Medical Concerns -Aide available to assist medically fragile students Medications -Students are NOT allowed to transport medications -Parents must bring them in and fill out the required form -Students must have medical documentation to carry an inhaler or EpiPen

7 School Breakfasts & Lunches
Breakfast is available for $1.35. All sixth grade students eat together. Options for lunch: Bring your own lunch. Buy separate items - milk, juice, chips, yogurt, salad, sandwich, ice cream etc. Buy a hot lunch for $2.85. For free and reduced lunch applications visit Add money to your child’s account at (set spending limits)

8 School Schedule 1st Hour: 7:40 – 8:40 2nd Hour: 8:45-9:45
3rd Hour: 9:50-10:50 6th Grade Lunch- 11:50 – 12:20 4th Hour: 10:55-12:20 5th Hour: 12:25-1:25 6th Hour: 1:30-2:30 In the morning students may wait in the side hallways (600 hall) until bell releases them to go to lockers

9 Sample Schedules 1st hour- ELA A 2nd hour- ELA B 3rd hour- Band 4th hour- Social Studies 5th hour- Science 6th hour- Math 1st hour- Math 2nd hour- Science 3rd hour- Social Studies 4th hour- S1: Art S2: Chorus 5th hour- ELA A 6th hour- ELA B * Intervention Classes: Skills for Success, Guided Academics and Core Support

10 Standards-Based Grading (SBG)
4 Point Scale “Redos” and “retakes” of tests and assignments to focus on student learning rather than individual scores No extra credit is offered

11 Save the Date SBG Parent Meetings Held at the Middle School
September 5th 5:30pm or 6:30pm October 3rd 6:30pm October 5th

12 Behavioral scores will be recorded against CREEK standards
C ommit to learning – assignments R espect Others – respect staff E veryone is responsible – preparedness and time E veryone is safe - safety K indness counts – support classmates

13 CREEK Recognition Citizenship Assemblies Target Tickets Creek Club

14 Check the website


16 PowerParent Access Information

17 The Greatest Predictors of Success are:
Good Attendance Missing 10% of the school year (about 18 days) can put children at risk academically Check teacher blogs when absent Completed Homework Be involved: Check your students progress on PowerParent regularly Communication with student & teachers Multiplication Facts Reading

18 Helpful Tips Buy a combination lock for practice
Come to schedule pick up and walk through schedule Be an informed parent- check PowerParent, read monthly newsletters, teacher blogs, attend open house & parent-teacher conferences Encourage your child to get involved in one school activity Assist your child with time management and studying Monitor cell phone and social media accounts Encourage good hygiene and clean clothes

19 Survivor Camp Available to all incoming 6th graders prior to the start of the school year. Offered through Community Ed. and is fee-based. Topics/Activities include Opening lockers School rules Peer pressure/social interaction Organization Getting to know the way around the school Making new friends and having FUN! For more information, please call or refer to flyers on the table. Camp is run by 3 6th grade teachers that their child may have – very in tune with what life is like as a 6th grader

20 PTO Please get involved and help your schools!
Sign up today or at Schedule Pick Up

21 Thursday, August 24th 1-4pm Please plan to attend:
6th Grade Schedule pickup: Thursday, August 24th 1-4pm Thank you for attending!

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