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C-33 S-5: The Cold War Thaws

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1 C-33 S-5: The Cold War Thaws
The Cold War began to thaw as the superpowers entered into an era of uneasy diplomacy The United States and the countries of the former Soviet Union continue to cooperate and maintain a cautious peace.

2 Khrushchev’s policy of destalinization
Destalinization (dē-stä'lĭ-nĭ-zā'shən) n. The process of discrediting and eliminating the political policies, methods, and personal image of Joseph Stalin.

3 Brezhnev and the Revolt in Czechoslovakia

4 détente n. A relaxing or easing, as of tension between rivals.
Détente (dā-tänt', -täNt') n. A relaxing or easing, as of tension between rivals. A policy toward a rival nation or bloc characterized by increased diplomatic, commercial, and cultural contact and a desire to reduce tensions, as through negotiation or talks.

5 Nixon: first American president to visit Communist China

6 Reagan and “Star Wars”

7 Extended Range Interceptor (ERINT) launch from White Sands Missile Range.

8 4 m (13 ft) diameter web deployed by Homing Overlay Experiment

9 An artist's concept of a Space Laser Satellite Defense System, 1984

10 An artist's concept of a ground / space-based hybrid laser weapon, 1984.


12 The USA and USSR were the two superpowers during the Cold War
The USA and USSR were the two superpowers during the Cold War. Here Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev meet in 1985

13 Important Facts The Cold War began to thaw as the superpowers entered into an era of uneasy diplomacy The United States and the countries of the former Soviet Union continue to cooperate and maintain a cautious peace.

14 C-33 Important Facts

15 The policy of ________ was manly intended to reduce Cold War tensions.

16 detente

17 Who proposed to the American people the program called Star Wars?

18 Ronald Reagan

19 The first American president to visit Communist China was?

20 Richard Nixon

21 The Cold War Thaws The Cold War began to thaw as the superpowers entered into an era of uneasy diplomacy The United States and the countries of the former Soviet Union continue to cooperate and maintain a cautious peace.

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