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Why is it important to follow the steps in the sales process?

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Presentation on theme: "Why is it important to follow the steps in the sales process?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is it important to follow the steps in the sales process?
Approach Initiating the sale

2 Steps of the sale Approaching the customer Determining Needs
Presenting the product Overcoming objections Closing the sale Suggestion selling Relationship building

3 Purposes of the approach
To begin conversation To establish a relationship To focus on the product

4 Approach in B2B selling Approach that would happen at the customers place of business. Arrive early for appointment(set in pre-approach stage) Introduce yourself, smile, firm handshake Small talk Previous contact- discuss customer’s family, interests or hobbies, or recent happenings in the company New contact-current trends in the industry

5 Retail Sales Approach Service Approach Method Greeting Approach Method
“How may I help you?” Only use if customer is in a hurry or salesperson is just an order taker Greeting Approach Method Good morning, Good evening (use name if known) Use personal comment if you know customer Does not focus on merchandise “The mall is so trafficy, were you able to find a parking space?”

6 Retail Sales Approach Merchandise Approach Method (most effective approach) Comment or question customer about a product can only use if customer is looking at specific item notice what interests the customer gives opportunity to explain features and benefits “I love your slim fit jeans, we have that same style in a variety of fabrics.”

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