Roger D. Harwell 17 October 2007 Rocket City Geospatial Conference

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1 Roger D. Harwell 17 October 2007 Rocket City Geospatial Conference
The “Geo-Web” 2.0 Sharing Data and Functionality over the Web Roger D. Harwell 17 October 2007 Rocket City Geospatial Conference

2 Web 2.0 phenomenon Web 1.0 Web 2.0 DoubleClick --> Google AdSense
Web 2.0 DoubleClick --> Google AdSense Ofoto Flickr Akamai BitTorrent Napster Britannica Online Wikipedia personal websites blogging evite and EVDB domain name speculation search engine optimization page views cost per click screen scraping web services publishing participation content management systems wikis directories (taxonomy) tagging ("folksonomy") stickiness syndication


4 Web 2.0 phenomenon collaboration, participation, trust vs. publishing
wikipedia, ebay ranking search vs. catalog; tag vs. directory server-side gmail, flickr, blogging RSS – subscription “geoweb” web services (service-oriented architecture) “mashup” …and certainly web services, services-oriented architecture is a part of this whole phenomenon we call “Web 2.0”. Due to the big 3 getting in the “geo-web” business (we used to think of the big 3 as GM, Ford, and Chrysler—now its Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft) and bringing us to what I call “GeoWeb 2.0” applications, my kids can now relate to what I do all day at work. My wife still doesn’t grasp it—I still can’t get her to understand what I do, but my kids do now!!

5 The Evolution To Services
Business Benefit 2000+ Web Services Service-Oriented Solutions Late 1990s Web technologies appear e.g., HTTP, HTML, XML Early 1990s Application integration technologies appear Pre-1990s Custom, static B2B Integration

6 What is a Service-Oriented Architecture?
W3C: “A set of components which can be invoked, and whose interface descriptions can be published and discovered” BEA: “Service-Oriented Architecture is an IT strategy that organizes the discrete functions contained in enterprise applications into interoperable, standards-based services that can be combined and reused quickly to meet business needs.” Protegra: “A Services Oriented Architecture is an approach to system design where solutions are assembled from reusable component services.” A software component that is described via WSDL and is capable of being accessed via standard network protocols such as but not limited to SOAP over HTTP. A web technology with many, many TLA’s TLA = Three Letter Acronym

7 Key Concepts Reusable Components Loose Coupling

8 COM vs. Web Services Common Object Model (COM) Web Services Model
DLL Common Object Model (COM)  Windows Operating System  Local Server operations  Scalability often requires custom application design  Proprietary communications  Native data types (fast)  Approaching end-of-life in favor of a Web Services model Web Services Model  Most Operating Systems  Local and remote Servers  Scalability requires off-the-shelf load balancing  XML communications  Data serialized into ASCII XML  A widely accepted and growing standard  An advantage  A disadvantage








16 Google Earth China - 1,313,973,713 India - 1,095,351,995 United States - 300,176,035 Indonesia - 245,452,739 downloaders of Google Earth- >200,000,000 (Sept., 2007) Brazil - 188,078,227 Pakistan - 165,803,560 Bangladesh - 147,365,352 Russia - 142,893,540 Nigeria - 131,859,731 Japan - 127,463,611 Mexico - 107,449,525 Philippines - 89,468,677 Vietnam - 84,402,966 Germany - 82,422,299 Egypt - 78,887,007 Ethiopia - 74,777,981 Turkey - 70,413,958 Iran - 68,688,433 Thailand - 64,631,595 Democratic Republic of the Congo - 62,660,551 France - 60,876,136 United Kingdom - 60,609,153 Michael Jones, CTO, Google Earth “5th most populous country” “G8 Summit”




20 Roger D. Harwell Intergraph Corporation Product Manager
GeoMedia WebMap Products Security, Government & Infrastructure Tel. +1 (256) Fax +1 (256) Intergraph Corporation P.O. Box 6695 Huntsville, AL

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