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This is the tragedy that is

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2 This is the tragedy that is
Ghosts Mayhem More Murder Murder Witches

3 Macbeth Set in Scotland
Written for King James I (formerly of Scotland, now England. He ascended the throne after his cousin, Elizabeth I died) Inverness Castle Today

4 Macbeth Read the info provided at Historic UK and answer these questions. When was the play written? What source was Shakespeare’s inspiration for this play? During what years is it set? Explain the actual events that transpired. Why did Shakespeare need the king’s approval to write the play? Who is Banquo and why is he a bit of a risky character to include?

5 The Plot Good guy goes bad Guy wants power
Married to a pushy control freak She wants power Kills people—LOTS of people Gets power Gets paranoid Ticks off a lot of people Wants more power! Kills more people Pays for it all in the end

6 The Curse It is believed to be bad luck to even squeak the word “Macbeth” in a theater. It is always call “The Scottish Play” Legend has it you will lose all your friends involved in the production—horribly.

7 Dramatis Personae King Duncan of Scotland Cousin to Macbeth
Honest, good, well-loved by his people Malcolm & Donalbain The Princes Malcolm is the oldest Macbeth A nobleman—a Thane (think Duke, Earl, etc) One of Duncan’s most courageous generals Well respected among his peers and his men

8 Banquo A nobleman and Macbeth’s best friend Also a courageous general An actual ancestor of King James I of England for whom the play was written Macduff A Scottish general Suspicious of Macbeth His family is murdered Vows revenge

9 Lady Macbeth Ambitious Forceful, aggressive Other characters Lady Macduff Fleance—Banquo’s son

10 And so it begins…

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