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The Function of Blank Verse, Prose and Rhyme in Shakespeare’s Plays

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1 The Function of Blank Verse, Prose and Rhyme in Shakespeare’s Plays
English IV

2 Blank Verse Used in most situations because it comes closest to the natural speaking rhythms of English. Remember Shakespeare writes ALL of his works in Iambic Pentameter (a stressed followed by an unstressed syllable repeated 5 times in a line) Used especially for passionate, lofty or momentous occasions and for introspection. A speech or scene in blank verse may end with a single rhyming couplet(final 2 lines) known as a capping couplet.

3 Prose Used whenever verse would seem bizarre
Serious letters Proclamations Speeches of madness Verse in apparently too regular and orderly for someone who has gone crazy. Reminder prose looks distinctly different on the page than verse does, so you should be able to easily pick out when prose is used.

4 Rhyme Used for ritualistic or choral effects and for highly lyrical passages that give advice or point to a moral. Songs, prologues, epilogues, and choruses Manifestations of the supernatural, but not for ghosts, who retain the human use of blank verse. This should not be confused with the rhyming capping couplet previously mentioned.

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