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Case Studies: Data Modeling

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1 Case Studies: Data Modeling
SEEM3430: Information Systems Analysis and Design

2 Case 1: Description each lecturer tutors a group of students
A university consists of a number of departments. Each department offers several courses. A number of modules make up each course. Students enrol in a particular course and take modules towards the completion that course. Each module is taught by a lecturer from the appropriate department, each lecturer tutors a group of students of and Entity Relationship Modelling

3 Identify Entities departments. Each department offers several
A university consists of a number of departments. Each department offers several courses. A number of modules make up each course. Students enrol in a particular course and take modules towards the completion of that course. Each module is taught by a lecturer from the appropriate department, and each lecturer tutors a group of students Entity Relationship Modelling

4 Identify Relationships
A university consists of a number of departments. Each department offers several courses. A number of modules make up each course. Students enrol in a particular course and take modules towards the completion of that course. Each module is taught by a lecturer from the appropriate department, and each lecturer tutors a group of students Entity Relationship Modelling

5 Example - E/R Diagram Entities: Department, Course, Module, Lecturer,
Student Course Module Lecturer Student Entity Relationship Modelling

6 Example - E/R Diagram Each department offers several courses
Module Lecturer Student Entity Relationship Modelling

7 Example - E/R Diagram A number of modules make up each courses
Department courses Offers Course Includes Module Lecturer Student Entity Relationship Modelling

8 Example - E/R Diagram Students enrol in a particular course Department
Offers Department Course Includes Module Lecturer Enrols In Student Entity Relationship Modelling

9 Example - E/R Diagram Students … take modules Department Course Module
Offers Department Course Includes Module Lecturer Takes Enrols In Student Entity Relationship Modelling

10 Example - E/R Diagram Each module is taught by a lecturer Department
Offers Course Includes Module Teaches Lecturer Takes Enrols In Student Entity Relationship Modelling

11 Example - E/R Diagram a lecturer from the appropriate department
Offers Department Employs Course Includes Module Teaches Lecturer Takes Enrols In Student Entity Relationship Modelling

12 Example - E/R Diagram each lecturer tutors a group of students
Offers Department Employs Course Includes Module Teaches Lecturer Takes Enrols In Student Tutors Entity Relationship Modelling

13 Example - E/R Diagram Department Course Module Lecturer Student Offers
Employs Course Includes Module Teaches Lecturer Takes Enrols In Student Tutors Entity Relationship Modelling

14 Entities and Attributes facts about • Sometimes it is hard
to tell if something should be an entity General guidelines Entities can have attributes but attributes have no smaller parts Entities can have relationships between them, but an attribute belongs to a single entity or an attribute They both objects or the world represent facts about They are both often represented by nouns in descriptions Entity Relationship Modelling

15 Case 2: Supplier/Product
We want to represent information about products in a database. Each product has a description, a price and a supplier. Suppliers have addresses, phone numbers, and names. Each address is made up of a street address, a city, and a postcode. Entity Relationship Modelling

16 Indentify Entities/Attributes phone number • Entities or attributes: •
Products, suppliers, and addresses all have smaller parts so we can make them entities The others have no smaller parts and belong to a single entity product description price supplier address phone number name street address city postcode Entity Relationship Modelling

17 Example - E/R Diagram Product Supplier Address Price Description
Street address Name Supplier Address City Phone number Postcode Entity Relationship Modelling

18 Identify Relationships supplier address single supplier but address •
Each product has supplier a Each supplier has an address Each product has a single supplier but A supplier has a single address It does not seem sensible for two there is nothing stop a supplier supplying many products A many to one relationship to different suppliers have the same address A one to one relationship to Entity Relationship Modelling

19 Example - E/R Diagram Product Supplier Address Price Description Has A
Street address Name Supplier Has A Address City Phone number Postcode Entity Relationship Modelling

20 One to One Relationships between A and B • Some relationships •
Example - the supplier-address relationship between entities, and B, might be redundant if A Is one to one Every supplier has address We don’t need addresses that are It is a 1:1 relationship between A and B an Every A is related B and every B is related to an A to a not related to a supplier Entity Relationship Modelling

21 Redundant Relationships a entity • We can merge the two entities
x two entities take part in redundant relationship that a b A B y c z together • They become a single entity • The new entity has all the attributes of the old one a x b AB y c z Entity Relationship Modelling

22 Example - E/R Diagram Product Supplier Price Description Has A Name
City Phone number Postcode Street address Entity Relationship Modelling

23 Tips: E/R Diagrams diagram and then the relationships •
From a description the requirements identify the of Draw the E/R diagram and then Look at one to one relationships as they might be redundant Look at many to many relationships as they might need to be split into two one to many links Entities Attributes Relationships Cardinality ratios the relationships of Entity Relationship Modelling

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