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Presentation on theme: "MEARNS PRIMARY MEARNS PRIMARY WELCOME to Primary 6."— Presentation transcript:


2 Please contact me if there are any issues over homework.
Homework Diaries There is a lot going on in Primary 6. Please check your child’s homework diary daily. It will detail: Homework issued P.E. Days Trip dates Any notes from the teacher Please contact me if there are any issues over homework.

3 Types of Homework Weekly spelling homework Weekly maths homework
Language homework Topic work Homework is linked to the work we are doing in class. Homework will usually given out on a Monday & due in on the Friday or following Monday.

4 Homework Homework may be marked in a variety of ways:
Class discussion and self-assessment Class discussion and peer assessment Teacher marking with assessment comment. I will review completed homework activities to ensure homework is completed to an agreed standard. Homework will be differentiated to meet the needs of your child.

5 UNIFORM Please ensure your child is wearing the appropriate uniform everyday. All children should wear a white polo shirt to P.E. After P.E. children should change back into their school shirt and tie.

6 Promoting positive behaviour
Points Wheel Freetime when points are over 100 Rewards & incentives Warnings & Yellow Cards Phone Calls if necessary

7 Curricular Areas Throughout P6 your child will study the following subjects : Literacy and English (reading, writing, handwriting, KAL) Mathematics (mental, written & practical work/ICT) Social Studies (Sustainable Development) Science (The sensory organs) Expressive Arts (Art, Music, P.E, Dance) Health and Wellbeing (Anti bullying/anti sectarianism) French (Miss McLean) Religious and Moral Education (Hinduism) ICT (Microsoft tools, filmmaking)

8 Literacy and English Pupils in P6 will follow programmes of study for:- Reading (class novels, group reading, unseen texts) Listening and Talking (debating, solo talks) Writing (Big Writing, writing projects)

9 Keep practising the basics!!
Mathematics In P6 we will focus on the following areas:- Problem-solving and enquiry Mental maths strategies Information handling Number, money and measure Shape, position and movement Keep practising the basics!!

10 Social Studies This session we will learn about:-
People, past events and societies – Scottish Scientists, engineers and inventors People, place and environment – Sustainable Development and Travel People, society, economy and business – Election Fever

11 Science We will be learning about:- Electricity Chemical Reactions
Separating Materials Sensory Organs Biological Systems - Plants Topical Science

12 Technologies Technology will be linked to our social studies and science topics. We will look at databases, using the internet, video editing and internet safety.

13 Expressive Arts Art and Design Drama (PACE & Hopscotch)
Music (2 terms music teacher) Dance Participation in performances and presentations throughout the year

14 Health and Wellbeing Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing
Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport Food and Health Substance Misuse Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood

15 Bikeability Bikeability takes place in the summer.
Learn in the playground to begin with then sessions on the road. Assessed on the road. Road cycling will only be for children who demonstrate that they can cycle safely in the playground.

16 French We develop our skills in French weekly with Miss McLean. There will be Spanish masterclasses later in the year. RME We will continue to learn about other religions & cultures. We also have regular visits from different ministers and trips to local places of worship.


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